
Everything was planned 2

Officer Liu and Lindon started to explain to Kresha everything.


Back to the night when Lindon recieved a call three days ago.

Lindon's phone ring...

He quickly took his phone ang looked at the caller's name.

It was Officer Liu!

Lindon pressed the answer button and put the phone on his ear to answer the call.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Good evening Mr. Mo!" Officer Liu greeted him. "I have called you, because there is a new information about the Li brothers and the person behind them." Officer Liu said.

"Really?!" Lindon glanced at Kresha who is standing near the window.

"Yes Mr. Mo, and the said person is willing to help us! He is willing to cooperate with us to capture the person behind what happened to Ms. Tang and Elder Mo.

He said that he knew the real identity of the mastermind. He also said that Ms. Tang's attempted murder is connected to Elder Mo's poisoning." Officer Liu paused for a moment.

"Uhm, Mr. Mo, I think this confidential. How about you come here at the station to meet the said person?" Officer Liu suggested.

"Aright! I'm going now!" Lindon replied. He did not hesitated to agree.

Lindon headed straight to the police station.

But he was surprised to see Jiron!

Lindon's expression automatically turned cold.

"What are you doing here?" He coldly asked Jiron.

Officer Liu was stunned for a moment. He did not expected that Mr. Jiron Yan and Lindon Mo knew each other already.

What is more odd is that, he can feel the tension between the two men.

Officer Liu quickly think of a way to lighten up the atmosphere inside the office.

"Mr. Mo! He is the person who wanted to help us!" Officer Liu was the one who replied to Lindon.

"I am here to help!" Jiron said.

"We don't need your help!" Lindon replied with his cold expression and then he turned to leave the station.

"C'mon Lindon! I am not doing this for you!" Jiron's voice raised.

Lindon's footsteps stopped. He stand there with his back turned against Jiron.

"I am doing this for Kresha!" Jiron added." I am doing this to protect her!"

Lindon turned and faced Jiron.

He glared at him before he speak." She doesn't need your protection! I can protect her!" He replied.

Officer Liu's eyes darted from to the two of them.

"How are you going to protect her if you don't even know who your enemies are?!"

Lindon frozed..

"What are you saying?" Lindon narrowed his eyes.

"Kresha was just being implicated to this matter!" Jiron replied.

"What?!" Lindon was stunned.

"Your Mo family is their main target! And they won't stop unless you're gone!"

Lindon was shocked! What is this guy's saying?!

"How would I believe in you?! What if you're just making up a story?" Lindon doubtfully asked.

"I have no reason to tell a lie!" Jiron replied while looking at Lindon straight to his eyes.

"Why you seemed like you knew everything?!" Lindon asked.

"Because I really knew everything! And I'm willing to tell you everything I know!" Jiron said.

Lindon thought for a moment before he sitted on the chair in front of Officer Liu's desk.

Officer Liu have a sigh of relief.

Jiron followed to sit on the other side.

Lindon sitted with his legs crossed.

He looked at Jiron and he speak. " If you knew the person behind My grandpa's poisoning and Kresha's attempted murder. Tell me, who are they? And why are they targetting my Mo family?" Lindon asked.

"It's Arriene Lin!" Jiron replied straight forward.

Those words was like a bomb that exploded in front of Lindon!

It was a shocking truth!

"W-what?!" Lindon thought he heared him wrong.

" It was Arriene Lin who wanted you dead!" Jiron repeated.

Lindon is in a daze. Arriene? Why?

He thought that he knew Arriene very well.

He knew her as a soft-hearted woman.

He never saw her being so cruel!

Was everything is just an act?

It's hard for him to believe that she could do such thing!

"How do you say that? Do you know her?" Lindon asked.

"She is my half sister." Jiron replied.

Lindon was even more shocked of what Jiron said!

"She is the illegitimate child of my father, Daniel Yan."

Lindon knitted his brows. Daniel Yan?

He looked at Jiron, " Your father is Daniel Yan? So, you are the heire of the Yan family?" Lindon asked.

Jiron nodded his head.

"But why does Arriene wanted to eliminate my Mo family?"

"Because she believed that Cedric Mo is the person behind our grandfather's fall." Jiron replied.

"She loved our grandfather so much. She was so affected when our grandfather choose to end his own life due to depression. She blamed the Mo family for our grandfather's death."

"That is why he wanted to take revenge to your Mo family." Jiron explained.

"And she has another evil plan towards you Lindon. So we need to stop her before she succeeded!

That night, they think of a strategy how to caught Arriene on the act of commiting a crime.

Officer Liu provided the ten people who pretended to be Arriene's work force.

They planned everything including the place.


On the day that Arriene planned to murder Lindon....

Before Arriene arrived at the abandoned warehouse Officer Liu and the other two cops are already hiding inside the secret room.

There are monitors inside the secret room, so they'll know what is going on outside.


Kresha was in daze.

She coldly treated Jiron when he approached him outside the warehouse.

She's so cruel!

I should have not think that he is a bad person.

I should have not doubted his goodness.

He is deffirent from his evil sister!

Kresha felt guilty. She was so unfair!

All Jiron did was to protect her but what did she gave in return?

She treated him coldly?!

I should apologize to him! Kresha thought.

Alright Lindon! Now that the enemy is gone, what's next? A proposal?? Hehehe...

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