
Council Banquet (VII): Captured

So we had to bring the headquarters down, seems easy enough. Except of course for the fact that thousands of human like soul beast were looking for us with orders to use lethal force if necessary. Whichever way I looked at it, there was no way for me to bring that place down, not with that much enemies.

I could do it only if I can kill enough of them, and generate a strong enough blast of soul energy, however I'll probably be run over before I could kill enough of them for that. And they have guns. I could hear them coming up the stairs, and soon enough they'll get here and bring their fury with them.

I was worried, but Malek was surprisingly relaxed, even with all his injuries. I couldn't understand how he could be so calm about the current situation we now found ourselves in, it was annoying to hell, and I felt the urge to smack him at the back of his head.

But I had to remind myself, that no matter how young he looked, he was thousands of years older than me, and his grand children probably had grand children. But how could he be so calm, we were about to be riddled full of holes.

"I have a plan." His sudden comment caught me off guard, but if he had a plan, I was all for it, as long as it's not a stupid plan.

"Now this is what we have to do...…"


My barricade did not even last ten seconds before the apartment was broken into by the gun totting soul beasts. As for Malek and me, we were on the ground with our hands behind our heads, weapons nowhere to be seen.

Soon enough we were surrounded by the soul beasts, who all had their guns printed at our heads. Just before we were both knocked out, I turned to Malek and said.

"Your plan's stupid! And I hate you for this."

"But you're still going with it aren't you. It's going to work.

As the butt of the gun slammed against the back of my head, a few dozen thoughts flashed through my mind.

I wondered what would happen if you're knocked unconscious in a seal, and if it was not too late to protest against Malek's plan. He was going to get us killed. But alas, it was too late for take backs.

When I opened my eyes again, I was bound to a chair in a tiny room. There was mirror on the wall beside me, and Malek was sitting beside me, also tied and still unconscious. We were in an interrogation room, and the fact that we're in here meant that Malek's crazy plan worked.

This crazy elder had suggested we let ourselves get captured and brought back to the building, and at first his plan was just sheer speculation that we were not going to be killed immediately.

But he figured since our posters read wanted, and to use lethal force if necessary, it meant we had to be caught, not killed. His plan worked, it worked a little to well, and it upset me since I called it stupid.

I kicked Malek on his leg, jolting him awake, as the wall opposite us disintegrated into motes of light, and one of those armored human like soul beats came in. Those motes of light quickly restructure themselves, and the wall was back to normal in seconds.

The new arrival, who I suspect to be our interrogator, had a different armor than the others. His was a deep shade of purple, sleek rather than bulky, and had red highlights that glowed and pulsed in rhythm with his breathing. He looked intimidating, but really cool.

His face was covered by a full helmet, a helmet that seems to be his chosen way of communication as a beam of light shot out of his helmet and words appeared in the air, like some sort of communication hologram. It read.


In capital letters in fact. Which leads me to believe that this was not an interrogation, rather it was an execution. And the soul beast in the purple armor had no interrogative purposes; he was here to clean up the mess.

The words flickered and glowed with a malevolent intensity that made me shiver in fright, you would think that with everything I've experienced, and how much stronger I've become, it should not be easy for scare tactics and threats like this to shake me, but I was wrong.

No matter how strong a person is, he would still be scared of an ant that bites, because without a doubt, you know that ant can cause you a great deal of pain. But I had to play it cool, I turned to Malek and asked.

"Are you seeing this right now?"

"What? Do you think I'm blind or something. Of course I'm seeing it." He replied in an upset tone.

"Just so you know, I blame you. I blame you for everything." I said to him with fake anger.


"Yes seriously!"

Then I leaned back on my chair and used my feet to kick the edge of the metal table between us and purple armor( I'm going to shorten it to Pabs. Purple armor beast soul. It doesn't make sense, but I rather stick with it).

The table slammed into his chest and pushed him over, as he fell back wards off his chair. Whatever they used in tying my hands was way too strong because I couldn't snap it with off with my strength, but for now, my legs was more than enough to stomp Pabs over there into oblivion.

I was still secured to the chair, but a short jump in the four meter tall room, brought me down to the floor with my back facing the ground.

It hurt like hell when I landed, but the metal chair I was on crumpled like a crushed soda can. It made the bindings on me a little loose. I slipped it off the snapped frame of the chair, my hands were still tied together, but at least it was not to a chair.

"Hey! Watch Out!" Malek shouted at me.

That warning came a little too late as the table I just used to attack Pabs, was smacked into my body, and I was thrown towards the mirror, which I suspect to be a two way window(or mirror). I felt something snap, like a collarbone or rib, or maybe it was an arm, or all of them. Either way I was hurt, very hurt, and angry.

For some reason I couldn't form anything form soul energy constructs in this room, which was more than enough proof that this seal functioned in very different ways from the norm.

So in fighting this soul beast, I had to rely on physical strength and fighting abilities, which was now below average due to the numerous injuries I just received.

But I was not going to let this stop me, vampires thrived in the midst of pain, whether they're receiving it, or giving it. And right now my pain was fueling my rage, making whatever passes for adrenaline in my body to run rampant.

I shakily got back up to my feet, and watched as Pabs came closer, taking slow steady steps to make himself seem more scary. Malek was still tied up, so there was nothing he could do, leaving me alone.

When he got closer, Pabs made a number of very stupid mistakes, first of all, was underestimating me because I looked injured, second was throwing a punch to my gut rather than my face, and third...was looking cooler than me.

I let the punch go through my bound hands, it was an open circle that I quickly closed by trapping his armored arm between both of mine. Then I stepped closer, and in a poor iteration of a judo throw, flung him over my shoulder and towards the two way mirror.

There wasn't enough force to crack the mirror, so he just bounced off, but there was enough force from the throw for me to snap his trapped arm, though I had to pay for it, as the exterior of his armor bruised me so badly I was bleeding from both my arms.

I released his arm, and sent a knee strike to his face, smashing his helmet against the wall, this time the wall caved in nicely.

I had to hold back a whimper as kicking his armored helmet had a price. I moved back and gave him a spinning heel kick at his jaw, he crumpled seconds later, probably stunned or passed out.

With that helmet on, I really couldn't tell. I ran towards Malek, and kicked his chair in such a way that got rid of all it's supports. He was free seconds later with none of the pain I had to go through to get out of mine, life's not fair.

I was about to ask him if he had any idea how we could get out of here, before I was interrupted by a soft hum, I turned around to see Pabs, standing there with a massive cannon on his shoulder that seemed to have grown out of his suit, charging to shoot at us. There was no other place to run, so I charged at him, using all of my speed that I left after images of myself as I moved.

I brought my center of gravity down, and rammed my shoulder into his midsection, spearing him through the two way mirror and into a crowd of equally purple armored soul beast that were watching from the other side. His cannon went off, blasting half a dozen of them into dust, leaving behind only the residue of their soul energy that began to seep into my body.

I felt like raising my head up and screaming out loud, since technically this was a power up, but I still had too much respect for myself to do such a thing. But the main fact of the matter is, I was now strong enough to deal with all of them.

I pulled the cuffs on me apart, and raised my leg up, and brought it down hard on the face of Pabs, making sure to smash it to smithereens. Then I looked at the rest of the Pabs, it seems there was some sort of conference room behind the mirror.

Malek was still in the interrogation room, so he should be a bit safe, though it would be wise not to stray too far from him as we might get ambushed.

Either way, I was going to be hurting quite a lot of Pabs. Hope they don't mind. I shot towards the Pabs closest to me, grabbing him by the neck, as I turned and chucked his armored body at his peers.

He slammed into two of them, and proceeded to carry all three of themselves through a window and out the building( I didn't notice that window though). I tried creating my shield and sword again, and they appeared looking all shiny and smooth, and sharp.

I threw the shield like a discuss, slamming it into the chest of another Pabs, it was just a probing move, but it seems their armor is strong enough to withstand a direct hit.

I had to raise the bar. I called the shield back, and coated it and my sword with soul energy, and it was just in time, as one of the Pabs had fired his cannon at me.

It was a really strong move, and it threw me off my feet as soon as it rebounded and went back to the center of four gathered Pabs. The explosion was rather spectacular, it's too bad I couldn't see it.

This chapter is incomplete and poorly written. But with everything on my plate right now this is the best I can muster. I'm sorry. But I have a problem with consistency, so no matter what, there has to be a chapter a day. I'm afraid if I slow down, I might actually stop. Writing is the only thing keeping me sane and strong right now. So please bear with me, the next chapter would be better I promise.

Thanks for reading and God bless you.

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