
Bonds (X): The Path To Unsealing

I couldn't give Asare and explanation for my rather reckless course of action, so I just ran back into the tent to do tine my experiment. If there was going to be consequences, then I will deal with it when the time comes, right now I felt like I was in the middle of s breakthrough, and I did not want anything to disrupt my current mental state.

So the pick could hold up for at least four strikes before it breaks apart with a bang. Of course before it breaks apart it could cause a whole lot more damage than a hundred swing from an ordinary pick if not more. But the first thing I had to focus on was how to make it last, which meant it had to with the expenditure of power.

Which was where a headache suddenly appeared. If a weave can come into existence without the need for any sort of preparation, completely dependent on the will of its creator, how do you know the amount of energy require for it and to last, and not break apart. It was a conundrum all right, but much like everything else with weaving so far, it came instinctively to me. I had a rough solution, the idea was to get more familiar with controlling my soul energy, that way I can regulate the amount of soul energy required to power a weave.

Apart from intent, I think the amount of soul energy behind a weave will determine how powerful it is. So I decided to pull my soul energy, this time trying to get a feel for it as something that was a part of me, rather than just an energy that would make my palm and fingers light up while I haphazardly shove it into my runes.

But the moment I pulled my soul energy, I got the shock of my life. I had just user my soul energy not more than just a few minutes ago, but due to my excitement, I didn't notice any change in it. Four conduits were glowing with the tell tale sign of would energy on my spine. I was now at home he fourth circle of the Coccyx realm.

Practically the peak and almost breaking through to the next realm.

I was shocked that I had made this much advancement without my noticing it, but with everything that's happened so far, I was not so surprised. But there were costs that had to be paid for me to get to this point, and most of those cost were not paid by me. I understood that it was variety of different situation that was encouraged my advancement.

Weavers were capable of naturally absorbing the soul energy it not the souls themselves of living beings that die by the or hands. And so far, a human and a werewolf have died, killed by me. And while one deserves what he got, the other still haunts my dreams. But there was nothing to be done about this anymore. I was a full circle mortal weaver, which means as soon as I advance to next realm the sacrum realm, I become capable of weaving rune phrases.

However this kind of advancement was much to fast, oh not had enough time to explore my capabilities in Coccyx realm as a mortal circle weaver. If I advance now, it would only be In realm, and not in knowledge. It would be like giving me a loaded gun without a trigger. But back to the matter at hand, with the amount of soul energy I had now, it should be possible for me to practice a little bit of control, before I advance and it gets out of hand.

I pulled on my soul energy once again, feeling it as it snaked from my spine, through invisible pathways in my body to come to rest at the tip of my fingers. But in the process of moving my soul energy, I noticed that I was not just moving my soul energy, my mental energy was also there, and it acted like a sort of cushion to hold and guide my soul energy. My soul energy was the arm, while my mental energy was the sleeve snuggly wrapped around that arm to protect from outside interference.

Ad with this discovery, I now understood how weavers are able to withstand nature's backlash. Weaving goes against the very laws of nature, so when Natures strikes back, it goes directly for the source and power behind the runes, and that was the soul. Mental energy will now stand and act as a barrier or shield against the backlash. It was rather simple, and amazing. But it was why mental energy cultivation was just as important as soul energy, excluding the abilities to be gotten from a higher mental energy circle, the mental energy makes sure that the weavers don't die premature deaths.

Now that I understood that, I also realized that the mental energy did not follow my soul energy out of my body, which meant as soon as the soul energy is outside of my body, and manifested in reality, it stands on it's own.

I looked at my hand and all I could were glowing fingers, it was as if there was no shape or form to my soul energy, just light. Which meant since soul energy was guided and controlled by will and intent, I just had to decide whatever form it is, I want it to take. However this was easier said than done as I tried to make soul energy flow out of my hand like water, however the moment I have that mental image, my soul energy disperses and I loose a little bit of it. What the hell was I doing wrong.

I tried again, and again, and again. But every time the same thing kept on happening. I got so frustrated that I swung my hand around in rage. Unfortunately for my poor hand, I just had to go and bang it against the side of one of the numerous picks lying around. What was I doing wrong.

But then a kind of knowledge just sort of popped out of my head. I had no ides where it came from, but I was so sure about it. What is matter?, matter is anything that has weight and can occupy space. However my soul energy could not be considered as matter, what I was trying to do was convert something intangible, without weight and can't be said to occupy space in the traditional sense. Soul energy could be considered the opposite of matter, anti-matter. It was a concept, and idea. But I was trying to bring it into reality.

It can't be that easy, I had to first learn to crawl before I learn to walk, before eventually learning to run. I had to take it step by step. Matter was divided into three types, liquids, solids and gas. But in the case of turning soul energy from something that was intangible, t something that was of the physical world, I had to follow a different route. It had to be gas, then liquid, and finally solid.

Soul energy was a concept, it was intangible, it floated within the confines of a humans mind, it's born from a soul, an entity that could be said to hold endless potential with what it can do, after all, just like the ether, soul energy was born from the amalgamation of the forces of creation and destruction.

To shift it into a physical plane of existence, it had to start with something it was most familiar with, something that it could relate with. And that was gas.

I had no idea how I was going to be achieving this, but never say never right, I'm sure lot's of other weavers had achieved this. I took a deep breath and lulled my soul energy up again, as soon as it got to my fingers, I started imagining the pores of my skin as some sort of filter, like some sort of trans matter device (what the heck are those.) Image is supposed to be the key in all this right? I hope I won't explode or something.

Anyway imagining the pores on my skin as some sort of trans matter device, a machine capable of transporting and changing matter and none matter from one form to another was surprisingly easy. I mean I had a clear picture of what I wanted, and then I willed it into existence...…it hurt like a motherfucker.

It was as if someone had peeled off the entire skin off my body, and left my muscles exposed to the glaring heat of a desert sun. Then the same person proceeded to squeeze lime juice mixed with salt on my raw flesh, then threw me in a vat of boiling oil. The pain almost made me loose my mind, and almost immediately I could feel Xaseah and Asha through the bond, they were just as afraid as I was. And with the loud screaming I heard outside, Asha was probably coming here to see what had promoted such and intense reaction from me.

But the pain stopped just as suddenly as it came, what came next was relief the likes which I have never felt before. I could feel the energies of the world, and they we're flowing into me, nourishing and strengthening my soul energy. And my soul energy was flowing out of my hands like the smoke from a fog machine.

My entire surroundings was covered in blue fog, to be honest it was amazing.

I could feel every inch of this fog, it was my soul energy after all, and right now it was just outside my body doing nothing. Unless I imposed my intent on it, it was nothing more than just pretty blue fog. I moved my right hand up, and the fog roses up slowly, I moved it left, and my soul energy followed.

I just wanted to figure out a way to make my weave last longer on an object of low grade made with pitiful materials. And then I ended up with this, I think I have a problem with focusing and keeping my head straight on one problem.

I took deep breath, and I couldn't help but watch in abject fascination as my soul energy began to slowly seep back into my body. It seemed whatever it was I just did, not only made it possible for me to manifest my soul energy in a physical form, but also capable of recycling it. It means with this there's no wasted expenditure as far as my soul energy is concerned, if I use it in a weave, I could just as easily pull it back into me, rather than waiting for the soul energy to dissipate along with the weave. But wait a minute?

If I can absorb soul energy back into my body, even going as far as absorbing it from a weave, then wouldn't it be possible that I can do the same for the seal on my wrist and on Asha's belly. I could free everyone.

Before I could do something stupid, the tent flap raised up and Asha came stumbling into my arms with her hair disheveled and in disarray. Worry was allover her face as she began to look at me from top to bottom to see where I was injured.

"Savior! Are you okay, where does it hurt. Who attacked you?"

I was about to tell her I was okay, and show her what I had just discovered, before I heard a sounds in my mind.


"What the fuck! No! Stop, Wait!!"

But it was too late, everything turned white, before eventually fading to black.

Finally this is the end of volume one. I dedicate the heavily unedited chapter written with my feverish fingers to my first patron ever Sdrawcab. Thanks so much for supporting me.

So no updates for a month...........kidding. I will like to take a day off if you guys don't mind. I know I'm supposed to be resting but I'm addicted to writing. If you can please pledge you support on


But apart form that, thanks for reading and God bless you

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