
The Cool Rose Witch pt 1

Kaboom! An explosion sent the ground rumbling, and the dust soon settled to show the ending of the struggle. Since Noah was more or less confident that Gianna's protection shield could make his magic less hard to bear, he had been showing off his base power to Laquisha. Even if his control was nowhere near precise, he could still kill off level sevens and sixes easily on his own.

This time, also, Gianna was not falling through the ground. It seemed that her 'curse' had been lifted, and so she was walking with Laquisha at the back. Both women were weakened, and so their pace was the same. Noah didn't feel any labored by the drag as he couldn't rush through the maze as well. Enemies had been popping out of nowhere a lot, and it seemed that the wrath legion was aware of their location.

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