
Something Worthy of Interest

Theresa had walked the three former assassins outside, but when she came back, she heard Howard and Allan talking in the conference room. As the room was soundproofed, the most she could hear were voices with indistinct words.

In the end, she pushed the door open and looked at the two. She sat back where she was earlier. Her tone then became somber as she spoke. "I think only Noah wouldn't realize that there were witches disseminating rituals in the school. I'm really happy Rosanna didn't go anywhere near that place."

"That Kace kid looks like he could break the puzzle apart… but… he just arrived at the same ending as you did." Howard sighed as he played with his pen. "If anything, there should be something that we're missing in this play. They even managed to lead us by the nose..."

"That's true. What are we missing?" Theresa hummed as she pulled up the files and looked through them. "There must be something..."

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