
I'm Human

The smile on Montana's lips that night carried onto the next morning. Even if Rosanna woke up at a quarter before six, she was still too late to make breakfast. Moreover, she was wondering why Montana had this smile on his face… like he was about to get married.

Rosanna walked up to the cooking Montana and greeted him enthusiastically, "Noah, good morning! You look happy today!"

"I received great news last night." Montana looked down at her and petted her head. "But… I'd rather not tell you for now. It's going to be an awesome surprise if I pull it off."

"Wow! Then, I'll wait!" Rosanna giggled. She didn't mind not knowing; it was a surprise after all. Moreover, Montana hadn't smiled happily for a long while. She didn't want him to stop because she was getting pushy. For now, she only helped out with the table setup.

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