

Mu Jin realized that this conversation would go nowhere. There family might break into pieces. Therefore he sat down and took some deep breaths before speaking. "The first time I went to China when I was eighteen….."

Thirty one years ago, Mu Jin went to visit China for a business. He was young and talented. At that time, his health was better, so his father, Mu Cheng let him go to a distant country for a business purpose.

One day, in Beijing, at night, Mu Jin went to drink in a pub with his business friends. There, he met Jing Sheng, a simple florist working in a flower shop near a bar.

Being raised in Italy, Mu Jin became quite a playboy. With a handsome face, he never lacked girls.

Because of his sickness, his parents were never hard on him. They were happy as long as he could breathe freely.

He had always matured girls who would drool over him. Therefore, the simple florist caught his eyes. He thought, 'Maybe this is what love is.'

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