
The Silver Knight

"Anna?" Daisy Grace and I questioned in shock recognizing her in and instant as she took off her helm waving her golden blonde hair in the wind.

"Good to see you all again." She smiled stowing her lance, shield and helmet on the sides of her horses, making us all gasp in shock that it was actually her.

"Thank you for your help." Seraphine and Pichard knelt on one knee in respect and admiration despite wincing and a quiet grunt still showing signs of pain.

"Please, stand up you both are still very hurt." She quickly went to help them both up off their knee.

"So you're a knight of Atlantis? I never knew Atlantis has knights." Seraphine asked a little surprised.

"Not really a knight of Atlantis, but my Father and my uncles were all knights, some would say the greatest knights that ever lived, but sadly they all passed away in battle." She explained to us the pain of her loss family still very fresh to her.

"We are truly thankful for everything you did today, we owe you our lives." Seraphine and Pichard both replied.

"Please, please there's no need. You all fought valiantly, like true heroes of the realm" She smiled nodding back at them as a sign of respect.

"Daisy?!" what happened to you, last I remembered you disappeared." I asked her in a panic hugging her to make sure she was real.

"I don't even know myself! all I remember was a sharp pain in my shoulder when suddenly in a flash I was in the air in free fall falling towards the monster and Serra whispering and guiding me." She answered in a shock.

"What happened?!" I couldn't really see." I asked her to explain more.

"Well I barely remember it myself, I just felt Serra guiding me, all i remember was swinging my maul at the exact right moment driving Anna's lance through it's head." Daisy explained.

"Wow so that light was her?" I asked Daisy looking at her in shock and awe.

"Yeah, I was surprised too I thought she didn't know magic." Daisy said also looking at her.

"And I thought she was more akin to a rouge..." Grace added as the three of use looked in awe, as she conversed with Seraphine and Pichard.

"Umm Anna.." I politely waited for my opportunity to grab her attention.

"Yes?" She smiled joyfully.

"Ummm do you know where Paul is?... he didn't come to help..." I began to try and ask her.

"He currently stuck in a meeting with the council and leaders of the city, that's why I came by myself." She answered.

"Can we perhaps go seem him?" I questioned quietly.

"Sure I can take you to him, he'll defiantly be happy to see you." She smiled.

"Please Knight Anna may you return with us to the church of Serra so we can tend to your wounds. It's the least we can do." Seraphine offered.

"I would love to but sadly, I must report back to my commander." She answered.

"The black Dragon Slayer?" Seraphine questioned.

"Yes, there is no doubt he's eagerly waiting for my return and update on the situation." Anna replied.

"Then please accept this token of gratitude." Seraphine answered taking off her necklace and offering it to her with both hands on one knee.

"Thank you?" Anna cautiously accepted her gift.

"This is my personal sigil, it'll grant you access to all parts of the city without question of any guards, may it help you return to your commander faster." She answered respectfully.

"Thank you." Anna smiled giving her a nod.

I quickly walked back to the Daisy and Grace, "Hey guys if you don't mind, I'd like to return with Anna to see Paul." I explained to them.

"I understand." Grace winked at me with a cheeky smile.

"Owwww...." Daisy replied a little jealous.

"I'll see you guys later okay? I'll met you guys at the church." I smiled, Daisy's reaction making me chuckle a little.

Walking back to Anna she gave me a quick glance and nod, "We'll be making our way back now. I hope to fight by your side again some time." She smiled giving Seraphine and Pichard a salute of respect and nod.

"May Serra eternally watch over you." Seraphine and Pichard replied giving us both a nod and smile of respect.

"Grace and Daisy not coming with us?" Anna questioned noticing it was just me beside her.

"Sadly I think they have some more duties to perform." I answered her.

"Very well," She smiled and with a series of clicks her horse came over kneeling down for me to get on.

"Ohh I can walk..." I instinctively said to her.

"I know but you're still wounded so if you don't mind." She offered.

"Okay.." I hesitantly accepted as she helped me up on her horse.

"Ridden a horse before?" She questioned with a smiled helping me get more comfortable on the saddle and putting my feet into the stirrups.

"Once or twice." I answered.

"Great, there's nothing to be scared of he's very tame and loves to give rides." Anna smiled giving her horse a nice firm pat and a kiss on the nose.

"Safe travels." Seraphine and Pichard bid us farewell.

"Bye guys!" Grace and Daisy waveing goodbye to us.

"Take care everyone!" We both smiled back and began making our way into the city.

"Is it true that Paul is planning to rebuild the lower district?" I questioned her making small talk as she walked beside us guiding her horse without even needing to pull a rein.

"Yes, he's discussing how to best compensate those who lost family and their livelihoods.." She answered.

"Is that why he didn't come to help?" I questioned.

"Yes he's busy discussing how to best compensate the city and probably disrupting the meeting would makehis standing with the leaders and council more worse then it already is." She answered as a regiment of big regiment of guards began jogging past us full armored and ready for combat.

"Ohhh..." I replied feeling a little saddened that he didn't respond or come to my cry for help.

"Still in pain?" Anna questioned noticing my change in expression.

"A little." I answered.

"Any external injuries?" She questioned giving me a closer look.

"No, luckily I didn't come to much harm." I answered her faking a smile.

"Yeah... Sorry I only carry a handful of potions on myself normally." She confessed looking a little apologetic.

"You was amazing by the way!" I said to her trying to force myself to think of something else.

"Thank you. So were all of you!" She smiled.

"Not as great as you." I answered back.

"Don't think like that, we all played a pivotal role in taking down that creature." She smiled trying to fill me with confidence. "I believe you played a very great role in protecting your friends from harm as they made their way up the creature." She smiled.

As we reached a check point in the city, guards stood surrounded a giant gate leading to the inner districts checking papers of citizens queuing up. Anna proceeded to attach Seraphine's sigil onto her breastplate and proceeded to approach. All the guards gasped and began to make an opening allowing us to pass, they all stood at attention saluting as we traveled past.

It was staggering, the difference between the lower district and the inner district, despite still looking a bit aged it didn't look like a complete shanty town. "Is the meeting in this district?" I questioned looking around.

"Nah we're heading to central high district, we still have to pass the middle district and into the high district." She answered.

"So what does Paul have planned? I heard it will take a miracle to get all the resources here and the man power." I questioned curiously.

"Well, he hasn't discussed it with us yet sadly." She answered.

"He could just portal all the materials right?" I questioned.

"Well... if he could move them through the portal yeah, or have Scarlet throw it all through the portal." She chuckled at the idea.

"Teleport?" I questioned.

"That would be he most effective method, I suppose. He'd simply need to teleport all the materials to Atlantis and then Atlantis to here, but then that'd would involve a lot of traveling on his end trying to gather all the materials from different locations, I guess." She smiled.

Slowly we made our way through the districts, the high district was jaw dropping it quite literally looked like a winter paradise, the streets were dotted with these small camp fires with a guard standing over them tending to the flame, the builds were beautifully spaced like an artist designed the whole layout. The trees and bushes were all incredibly and perfectly cut mirroring one another and for some odd reason despite behind higher then the lower district somehow there was less wind making it pleasant to walk the streets.

Walking past a final check points without examination or questioning, we quickly arrived at our destination as a beautifully constructed old fashioned bricked building that resembled a church but much larger surrounded by beautiful winter flowers and bushes and perfectly tended to trees with two large statues in the shape of knights giving way to the entrance of the building towards the entrance. "That's where the meeting is being held." She pointed making me focus a little and without doubt Paul's warmth and presence was inside radiating like a beacon to me.

Many thanks for the vote of confidence sam107!!! Many thanks for the support you have given me!

Vanilla_Crowncreators' thoughts
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