
C74 War of Words

"Are you stupid?"

The words quickly echoing in the room as everyone's attention became drawn towards the one woman who spoke those short words. The vampires behind Delina seething in rage as they felt the need to vault over the table and strangle the woman right here.

Delina turned herself to face the woman as her fangs became rather easy to spot between her lips as it was clear that she was not too happy with the words that came from Feya's lips.

"Stupid. No, I think not as all my ideas are rather brilliant and reflect true faith in our real leader, Nathan."

The words fired back also as damaging as it showed both a lack of respect for the apparent new Queen for this town. The other members watching as both these woman stared at each other for a moment.

"Let's be honest here. This town is a sanctuary of all people and religions. We can not and will not make it a one faith system like the Church of Dusk. You should know this yourself?"

Feya fired back as she stared down the woman, not giving her an inch when it came to this, she could not get bullied down by the recent arrivals.

Delina shook her head with disappointment as she stared at the woman before her, it was clear that she was going to be a problem. Maybe she could persuade the General in the room to go along with her idea instead.

"Look, this land we are on and the water we drink, the forest that provides the resources and the bounty of food that we eat. Please tell me which of the Demigods gave this to us. None of them helped us except him. He spent his own time and power to give us this land and helped us all out. We are supposed to treat him as an equal to those that abandon us or worse put us in this hell."

Delina's words shook the room as many of the general's staff turned to each other and spoke, apparently swayed by the words as even the General had a solum face.

"We can still have respect for him, in the end, we need to support everyone and putting one religion forward will scare others away just like the Church does right now. Honor Nathan is excellent and hell, I've got no issues with the temple you started. I'm not going to force people through the front door."

Feya fired back as the people looked to her again, it was becoming a war on who decided the next major thing for the town and also who had the most power at this time.

"I'm not forcing people to do anything; they can worship whoever they please. I've even checked the town with a few people, and the majority by a longshot idolizes and worships Nathan. Back in the day, many of the gods did the same thing. Each of the primary city's back in the day held one religion, and the state religion was also that."

Feya felt her annoyance rising as she stepped forward, shorter than the woman as she looked up to her with a gaze that was trying to command death.

"This is not the old times with all the Demigods around. Each of the holy sites burned down, rendered into ash, dust, and nothingness. We need to be open to everyone and not just the people here. Wait, did Nathan even ask you to do this, or are you doing this on your whim?"

Feya stared at the woman as she caught the slight twitch in the eyes of the vampire, it was clear as day that she was acting on her own accord.

"So this is something Nathan does not know about with this religion nonsense. Do you even have the right to dictate how his religion starts?"

Delina stepped up at those last words as she glared down at the woman, the fear in the room escalating as if looks could kill it was certain Feya would undoubtedly be rotting in a grave right now.

"I have every right. Nathan is deserving of one and is too concerned about us all to do it himself. Every god gains power through worship and faith. I'm trying to repay him for the kindness he has shown in protecting us all."

Feya raised her hands as she was getting nowhere fast, she still had the edge with the General agreeing and taking a step back, applying her shit-eating grin as she just looked to the woman.

"Well, lets vote. I think we need to each vote and see if this passes. I already know you want it, so that is one vote for it."

Feya moved a hand onto her chest as she spoke with apparent conviction.

"I think we should let Nathan decide this, so I decline this with strong opposition."

She smiled to him as both women turned to look at the General who was standing at the back of the room, quiet during the entire phase of talking as he was the most neutral party here.

"General Lee, what is your opinion of this matter?"

Feya turned to look at the man as she smiled at him with a soft gaze that felt nothing was wrong at all. Hoping for the man to shoot down this agreement right here to keep the status quo.

"Yes, General Lee. Please tell us what you think."

Feya turned her head rapidly as she heard Delina speak the same question, her throat going dry as she turned back to the General who had a pale face as he did not want to deliver this news in such a horrible way.

"I vote with Delina; it's for the best that we keep Nathan in power to help us all."

Delina smiled as she turned to the young woman, her cocky smile coming on now as she tilted her head, watching the Queen's shit eating grin fade.

Feya stared at the man she thought would have her back, one word slipping past her lips as she felt the anger rising.


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