
C52 What Lurks Below

Delina knew the man's interest; the smile showed as she saw it when she mentioned an army, this gave her enough information that this man was building or was planning on making an army. She leaned back in her chair as her hands clapped together.

"Excellent, then we have only a few things to discuss. You know vampires are one of the mythical divine races that require power from a Demigod or more."

Nathan nodded his head, his head leaning forward as he put his hands together, fingers interlocking as he then brought it up in front of his mouth, waiting to see what the woman needed from him.

"Well, you know that we are still producing new members, that is thanks to us getting an Orb of Deathness from Aelina back in the day. I've kept it, and it's supplied us with the required divine energy that we require to survive."

Delina quickly took to her feet, moving towards the window, staring outside at the town as she let out a small hiss.

"We used this orb to fill our needs, and we have around 176 vampires living with us, around two years ago we discovered a small den of Ratmen living next to the orb. We cleared them out, but it was too late."

Nathan looked at her, loudly sighing as he could already guess what had happened.

"Let me guess, the queen of the ratmen became corrupted and started to produce corrupted ratmen, which in turn stopped you from accessing the death orb and producing new vampires. Now they have exploded in numbers underground and will overwhelm any defence you have sooner or later."

Delina smiled at all of this, clearly looking depressed about the entire situation as he was right.

"You are rather lucky; corrupted beings can't survive without the Demigods power, they are stuck around that thing. They are possibly eating each other to survive, but otherwise, they will only need the orbs energy to live."

Delina came back over, sitting down next to Nathan as she came somewhat close, smiling at him with a flirty and suggestive gaze.

"Oh, why does it turn them into monsters?"

"The powers that it gives off. The power word that is assigned to it, which in this case is Death. It's a strong power that changes a person. All the Demigods have changed to become more like the words they use."

Nathan sighed again as he rubbed his eyes, looking with worry at the window.

"If a person does not have enough willpower, the strength of the power will overwhelm them and take control. Corrupting a person and turning them into monsters. The power words are a tool, but if you can't control it, then you will become a tool."

Delina nodded, sliding closer as she would press her shoulder against his, flirty gaze eying him up as she continued to speak.

"So if that is the case then, what about vampires then."

Nathan felt the woman pushing against him, her eyes trying to indicate her interest or lust. He had no interest at the moment as he barely knew the woman, maybe he would do something later, but right now he had to take care of business.

"Well. Vampires are given a stable corruption to the energy that changes them. Due to the Death spell that was produced and is inside you and the other vampires. While you do not need strong willpower to turn to a vampire, if you are weak at heart then you will die during the spells change."

Delina's arm would wrap around his, pulling herself even closer as she pulled Nathan's arm between her cleavage, her smile showing as she moved into his personal space.

"Oh, you know so much creator god!"

"Please Delina, you knew I would answer correctly, are you testing me still?"

Delina shook her head as she had a broad smile on her lips, licking them slowly as she placed a hand on his leg.

"Oh not at all, I want to make you mine. Either in business, personal or sensual way."

Nathan turned entirely to meet the woman, his hand grabbing her chin as he lifted her chin towards him, holding onto her tightly.

"I would advise against that; you may get killed by Auryn. It could be terrible to watch you getting torn apart by vines or dryads."

His lips were moving closer as he pressed himself even closer to the woman, becoming aggressive himself.

"Plus In every relationship going forward. I'm the dominant one, though in private I may submit if the feeling is right."

Delina felt her heart squealing in delight, facing going numb as her body seemed to heat up in the wake of this news. She wanted to grab this man and hold him down.

Nathan quickly pulled away, standing up and moving towards the door as he let out a small cough. "Maybe we should take care of business before we discuss anything else. I have to clear out some corrupted beings."

Delina began to pout as she stood, quickly coming behind him as she acted closer to a teenager than her actual age. Nathan just laughed softly as he knew the reason, the woman thought he was over a few thousand years old which made him many years older than her.

This gave her the licence to act like a younger woman which just made him laugh. He was much younger than her which still suited him fine.

He loved an older woman more than the younger ones.

"So Nathan, what is your plan?"

Nathan blinked as he turned to the woman who had come close to him again, leading him out and along the corridor back to the main room.

"I have a few plans. Honestly, I need to find out as much information about this world, I need to find out if my children are dead and then try to bring them back."

Delina blinked as she looked at him. "They killed each other and many others in the wars, are you sure."

"They will listen to me. Otherwise, Father is going to ground them all."

System: If the Church could hear you now, threating to ground Saleh the Goddess of Dusk.

He rolled his eyes as the system message popped up.

'Worry not system, I know more then you think. Let's say I can ground you as well.'

He thought, smiling at the idea of sharing a drink with all his children.

"Just like old times."

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Bonus (2) Saturday Release.

If we can hit 1250 then I'll do another release. I'm not sure we can hit a goal before Sunday so I will make another goal for reset as well!

Thank you, everyone!

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