
C34 Four Companions

Twenty-Fifth of New Coming of the Year 997 - Capital City of the Vortex - Senoa West Side, Adventuring Guild

On the west side of the town, weeping deep in the back streets, people were giving up on life as they struggled to sustain a necessary existence, the only area in this place that even resembled a regular peaceful town was the main streets. The guards pushing the dregs and scum into the back alley, slums and abandoned sections of the city.

Adventures, traders and the rich all walked the street with no worry while the dregs watched silently from the shadows, loathing the existence of those who could stand in the light, guards hitting back those that dared try to come forward. Only those with any visible coin would be allowed even to come close to the market stalls.

The Adventurers guild, recently established to give organisation to groups of people wanting to go into the dungeon under the bridge, each one tasked with either a certain number of killings, item collections or mining of the natural Mana Stones that seemed to form in the dungeon.

The building's exterior had nice decorated with red tiles, the painted wooden walls giving off a beautiful vibrant blue with the doors a shade deeper of the same colour as the tiles. The windows reinforced with iron bars which supported the stained opake dark windows not to allow people to view inside.

The adventurers guild supported a large open dining area with a counter at the far end which allowed people to turn in items and quests, the turning in the field supporting large iron bars, safe doors and numerous magic locks to stop people entering to steal things.

Sitting at one of the numerous tables was a small group of four individuals, each one more interesting than the last. Two men were flanking one side with two women on the other.

The largest of the males seemed to be brooding over the massive pile of gold on the table, being the tallest of the lot at 6'6 with clear signs of Orge blood inside his veins with pale white skin and a small pair of horns on the side of his head, directly on the temple. His golden eyes were scanning over the contents of the gold as he let out another gruff and rather short grunt as the gold moved slightly around.

His long shaggy black hair going all the way down his back, his armour rather sparse as it was just bits of scrap tied to his chiselled chest, it was more patchwork then anything else.

"Hey Bull, what is wrong with my counting, you keep grunting like you are about to explode!"

The other male who spoke, his hand covered in red scales that seemed more patchwork over his body then the armour from Bull. He looked strictly human being only 5'10 except for the man red scales that seemed to cover his hands, neck and face. His eyes not human at all as two large slits stared at the large man who was unhappy with the shares.

The deep crimson base of his eyes seemed to wait before they shifted back to the pile, a large wooden staff resting at his side as the man wore a long silk robe with a few black gems inside his pocket with one on the end of his staff.

Azerth Kenth was the parties accountant which caused much tension between him and the Ogre man who seemed always to want an extra cut.

"Azo, you always share this strangely, why not give me control and I can do this faster!"

Bull roared as he nodded at his capabilities to split this pile faster then anyone else, his muscles flaring as the small scaled Azerth seemed to sigh himself.

"Because each time we do, you always seem to take an extra cut or two, I always get the least, and the twins just get the rest of my share!"

Across from both of them, twins sat watching them with curiosity.

Both women looked remarkably similar; it was almost impossible to tell them apart.

Both had light brown skin that seemed to be a similar colour to chocolate, skin so fair that it seemed to have no flaws, both having glowing green eyes that seemed to look at the same thing, following each other's exact movements to the letter.

They both had a similar height at around 5'6 inches tall with the one of the left having slightly longer and curlier hair than the other one who had shorter hair that had a single small braid in the back. The only other defining feature was a small mark above each eye. The left was having two small blue markings above her eyes while the right sister had one blue and one red marking above each eye.

The one on the left opened her mouth as she would begin to speak.

"We are fine."

She would start talking softly, her voice smooth and devoid of worry as her twin would respond next.

"This arrangement suits us well but we should..."

As the one on the right continued her sister's sentence, the one back on the left would interject again.

"Should let Azo finish the work as we..."

Again the twin on the right would interrupt her sister as she finished.

"Trust him."

Both Bull and Azo stared at the woman, apparently confused by the conjoined speech as they looked to each other before back to the twins.

"Can you both not speak correctly! It hurts to put it together like a puzzle."

Bull scratched his head, apparently confused as he looked back over to Azo for some support, the scaly man just shaking his head as he continued counting, finishing his duties as fast as he could.

Mirya Teesee was the woman on the right, hair shorter with a single small braid in the back, one red and blue markings above each eye. Renade Teesee was the sister on the left, having the long hair that curled at the end, two blue marks above each eye.

Both of the woman smiling to each other before sending that same smile over to Bull who was still annoyed.

"Come on ladies. It's not the time to argue. I've counted the gold, and we each receive 459 coins. It's because we only attended the first three floors so we could meet with a client today for our next mission. Ahh, I think that is her now."

The group turned around to watch the woman approach them, both Azo and Bull taking a deep breath as they felt like they had been punched in the gut, their breath getting carried away by force.

The woman was dressed in all black, almost six-foot figure, flawless porcelain-like face. She looked Timeless as she had an eternal youth to her kind toned face, long black hair coming down her back, perfectly straight and ebony-like colour. She was a flawless person in body, and her smile sent shivers down both men's bodies as they stared.

"Greetings, May I take a seat... I've much to discuss with you all; this could take some time."

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Well. I'm still shocked to this day that we have managed to get into the top 50 in the second week of writing this.

I'm proud of everyone who supported me by powerstones, moral support or just by reading these chapters.

You make it worth it!

So here it is. First Release Out Of Six for Sunday.

Thank you!

Cddizzymcreators' thoughts
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