
C32 Setting Out

Twenty-Third of New Coming of the Year 997 - Ameria Pov - Morning

Ameria had woken up early; her eyes still fixed on the shoreline as she watched Nathan and Auryn training together, they both seemed somewhat close at this point, it made her stomach slightly ache as she knew that her job was to gain trust from the Demigod.

She remembered the words from her father, his talk the previous day deep in her mind as she recalled it.

"Remember Ameria; you need to get close. You will be going with Nathan and Auryn to help. Prove yourself and become trusted. Feya may be in charge, but we all know the true power lays in the gods. I'll handle Feya. Take Kaye with you as well as she has already an established friendship with him."

Ameria just shook her head, the wagon behind her filled with supplies, lumber and barrels of water from Kaye working diligently, her hands still working as she always seemed slightly tired from working the night-shift, which she would continue to work during the trip.

"Kaye, Make sure to have everything stored correctly, we need to make way today. We have a massive list of items that are required, and we can't even start work till we get the correct tools."

Kaye felt her sigh growing as she was still sorting supplies, having nearly zero sleep and having to lift and deal with heavy cargo, she felt like biting her commanders head off, maybe she would become a desert sandworm and devour her whole. No evidence that way.

"Yes Madam, It's all stored correctly and ready. We are just waiting on the lovebirds" She said in jest as she was talking about the Demigod and Auryn.

"What was that?" Ameria harshly spoke as she looked at Kaye who bowed her head quickly as she realised her mistake.

"That is the Demigod, respect is required. Do you want to make an enemy out of someone that can eradicate an entire battalion of troops?"

Kaye shook her head as she bowed her head again, shaking her head as she gritted her teeth. "No Madam!"

"I'll let you off this time, just be aware and think before you say something careless, your words affect not only you." Ameria spoke as she would eventually move away to prepare herself with other business.

Nathan sat against the bank, his vision still taking in all the different flowers, trees and other growths. His power was one of the more impressive ones. It was a shame that when his word became rather general, he could only change certain aspects, everything else left to chance and random nature. He did not choose the type of flowers that grew for one example, and he could only ask for the growth of flowers and not the kind.

It was different when it came to specific larger items or when he spent Dominion or Faith. When he spent resources, he could make a choice, but it usually was only the family and not a specific type.

Similar to the redwood trees; he had only requested that type of tree and not a specific family of redwood trees unless he had the Power Word Tree he would be unable actually to choose a particular family of trees.

"You are thinking rather hard. Nathan is everything alright?"

Auryn had been sitting next to him for some time, just looking at the same items he had. She was expecting to head out straight away, but it seemed the supply group was still getting everything together. Cutting and processing lumber was difficult, and they could only give some small samples.

"I'm fine; I'm just thinking about how a few minor things, are you ready to head out?"

Auryn would softly smile as she nodded her head, her eyes looking at him with curiosity.

"I'm ready to go; I hope you are. It's going to take a rather long time to reach the next town."

Nathan blinked as he was slightly confused, staring at the woman as he would finally take the chance to ask her about the journey.

"So I failed to ask at the meeting, how long will it take us to get to the location."

Auryn looked at him with a devilish smile, apparently knowing that the man had not taken the time to think about the actual time frame, he just had accepted that it needed to be done and cared little for the timeframe.

"Well, it will take us roughly eight days to reach the first town, the key town of Baski which is the trading hub of all the towns to the east. Once we have spent time in Baski, we will move to the head of the underground tunnels which will lead us to Sengi Underway."

She would think for another few moments as she did some rough math in her mind. "If we get good conditions and are not interrupted. I'd say roughly around seventeen days?"

Nathan chocked slightly on his spit; he would have to travel for so long, his eyes looked back to his system shop menu as he would need to get the Journeying Power Word. Otherwise, this would take far to long. It was a shame that the price was just so high, the utility of the word would undoubtedly be way too powerful with his Bow combo.

The only beautiful thing about the ride would be the fact that he was stuck with three rather beautiful women, his eyes smiling as he looked over at Auryn with a soft grin, his eyes moving over to Kaye and then Ameria.

He felt his smile growing as this was going to be a beautiful and pleasant trip, he continued to look till a shadow blocked his view, Kai standing above him with arms crossed, it was like she could read his mind as he stared at her with a laugh escaping his lips.

"Oh Kai, are you joining us?"

Kai would nod her head quickly as she looked back to Nathan, his head turning swiftly to look away as he could swear the woman was reading his thoughts. While he knew it was not possible the stare and gaze still made him feel slightly worried that she had developed superpowers.

He knew one thing at the very least.

Becoming an Arch God did not kill his human functions in the slightest.

"Well, we better start heading off. Kai, Auryn lets head off."

He said standing, walking towards the carriage as the first adventure out of the valley would begin.

I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart. I'm working hard right now to get these 5 bonus chapters ready for the end of the week!

I still like having some goals so I've made it a hard one of 500 but I'm sure you can do it.

This is the end of the first Arc with Nathan, next chapter will take a wider look at the world he made.

Let's say 500 Powerstones and Ill release a bonus chapter.

Also please feel free to join the discord below! <3


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