

Myria nodded in response to Davis's question.

Davis still remembered how he beat down Aric Stormsong and saved Aila and Fairy Mei Novara.

"Just the Stormsong Family alone kills hundreds of Divergents each century millennium. The Upper Realms are incredibly vast. You would not be able to imagine the number of Divergents popping up each year. However, they don't survive long because there are-"

"Exalts and Primarchs." Myria sent him a soul transmission before continuing with her lips, "Therefore, any Divergent who has a brain will try to descend to the Third Layer or get hunted down sooner or later. Without enough power in the Upper Realms, they can't survive the lesser powers, much less when they are found, and those monstrous cultivators kill them with a single breath. Forget those monstrous cultivators. Even a single Autarch is enough to hold the line in a region."

Davis nodded.

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