
A Dying Fox?

"Then who completed a Hidden Pagoda?"

Shirley asked, causing Dewzai to shrug with a twitch, "Do I look like I know?"


Shirley had no comeback to that as she saw the sorry state Dewzai was in.

Still, how could there be such a coincidence? Shirley tried to think for a bit before she threw it out of her window.

"Oh well, you stay here and control your energy enough to impede the remnant energy and allow your body to heal naturally in order to not die sooner. Or try your luck by using the Escape Talisman, although I don't necessarily think that it will lead you to the Crystal Gate, where you can leave. Meanwhile, I'll go complete the Ninth Hidden Pagoda…"

"Ahaha~" Dewzai wryly laughed, her voice low yet laden with pain, "You would never be able to finish the trial."

She coughed up some blood, although she looked smug for some reason.

"You think so?" Shirley raised her brows.

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