
Cooperation Between Inheritors

"Don't worry." Crystia inclined her head and smiled lightly, "As long as we clear the trial of a Hidden Pagoda, your prowess will be back. I'm sure many other Candidates have also found other Hidden Pagodas in this Crystal World and are working on clearing them, so if they managed to do it before us, you'd still get your prowess back."

"So these Hidden Pagodas release the cultivation seals?" Isabella raised her brows.

Seeing Crystia nod and gesture to the side, she walked over to the edge and saw a monument that indicated that it was the case.

"Before long, our seals should disperse one by one."

Crystia walked to her side and overlooked the crystal mountain range.

Some of the mountains were hers and Noctis, while some others belonged to other factions. As long as no one interfered with each other's work, there shouldn't be any confrontation for the most part.

"Would it be that easy…?"

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