
Staircase Trial


The first step into the mysterious staircase had been taken.

A single foot rose and sank onto the first step, creating an audible sound due to the silence. The person who took that first step just so happened to be a Fire Dragon Clan's inheritor who had supposedly lost his patience.

Everyone closely paid attention to what was happening at this moment.

They were like hungry hyenas, waiting to see what would happen and, depending on the circumstances, waiting to take advantage.

"Ha-ha." However, Atsuo laughed, "Hahaha!"

He lunged forward with his body and ultimately brought both feet onto the wide first step, signifying the start of a battle.

"Nothing is happening. Scared retards should stay there and never enter!"

Atsuo turned to look back and cast a mocking gaze at the inheritors. His expression was crazed, which made many unable to understand what he was getting at.

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