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Myria stared at Davis, who appeared to be at a loss.

She didn't think of blaming him for his ignorance as she was also perplexed as to how such a Divergent could exist. She had heard that Divergents who had time-attributed physiques were extremely difficult to kill as they could control time better than time-attributed heavenly geniuses because they were already Divergents who didn't fit into fate's machinations.

However, this Time Divergent called Kronos Alistair seemed to be even special among them as he could apparently go back in time to know about the future various times.

That wasn't possible as it took an proportional amount or at least, a conservative amount of energy to change things.

To produce a wisp of fire, a little bit of energy was consumed.

Similarly, a minor amount of energy is used to produce a technique, and a major amount of energy is used to unleash a divine technique, and so on.

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