
Outright Attack

Davis and the others stopped in their tracks, looking at the menace waiting for them.

He instantly pulled back Tia and Bylai behind him, sending a soul transmission to the Starlight Jade Wolf King that the person before them was Wicked Tamer Jaxon Harrow, whom he had warned about.


The Starlight Jade Wolf King turned full of shock but simultaneously raised his hand, enveloping them in a jade-green barrier.

At the same time, the Second Ancestor, who was hidden amidst their entourage, appeared at the front, staring at the man above them.

"This… respected guest. I don't know who you are, but you shouldn't start trouble here…"

Above the stairs, there were also many elders present to welcome them.

For one, Elder Itaer Zyrus, who had presumably tried to offend or even kill Mo Tian for rightfully framing him, spoke up to make amends with him right now.

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