
Shadow Battle

The atmosphere in the hidden lounge of the Ghost Tear Hall's branch became silent. However, it wasn't something heavy but full of schadenfreude as though expecting the drama.

Wolfhowl's crimson eyes glared at Dead End as he had his status plate, his badge as a Ghost Tear Hall's inner disciple out.

Davis trained his gaze on Wolfhowl, wondering what kind of person he was going to extinguish today.

His body was slim and toned, but his features were all draped underneath a black robe, not to mention that his face was also covered under a scaremongering wolf's mask.

Gazing at that mask, Davis couldn't help but speak, "Someone finds your mask offensive. Maybe you should remove that before you get hurt?"

"What nonsense. Do you dare accept or not? If you don't, I'll simply 'meet' you outside. I don't have time to even bother about a rookie like you, so it would be wise for you to accept so that you can die in peace instead of living in fear."

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