

Although Davis and Ancestor Cornelia stared at Founder Alstreim Windstorm in incredulity, Davis was quick to swallow those words as the truth. After all, Myria claimed that time flowed faster in the Fifty-Two Territories.

However, he didn't think it was by…

"In the First Haven World, everyone who ascended from the Fifty-Two Territories and received information from the next ascendants would know that time in the Fifty-Two Territories ran ten times faster. Those who experienced it knew it for a fact, while the rest of the population in the First Haven World remained skeptical. Only the ascended denizens of the Fifty-Two Territories would know what it's like to meet their descendants who ascended because those descendants would be uhm… older than them."

Founder Alstreim Windstorm lamented before his expression became one of embarrassment while Davis and Ancestor Cornelia gawked.

"Founder, can I know what's your age?" Davis couldn't help but ask.

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