
Clash Of Life and Death

Myria's right hand held the heralding of death while her left hand held the beginning of life. Life and death energy surged with intensity as they began to swirl in her palms, encumbering a type of aura never seen before. With a clasp of her hands, that aura suddenly changed. An iridescent hue of black and white energy surged out from her palms, reflecting a myriad of colors.

Davis's eyes shut into two tiny slits as he saw this scene, feeling a massive chill creeping on his spine, and that feeling only surged when he heard Myria's next sentence.

"I'll show you what happens when one combines- no, fuse Death Laws and Life Laws."

A bolt of strangeness struck Davis, causing him to fly like a kite that had its strings cut. He spat a mouthful of blood, sent flying for a few kilometers before regaining balance, looking at Myria with wide and shocked eyes.

A pure white light began to envelop Davis as he wiped his lips.

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