
Grand Alstreim Ocean

A flying boat shot past the mountains. A sandy shore came into view before a vast stretch of water body extended through the horizon, making the person who sat on the tiny flying boat widen his eyes in amazement. In front of the vastness of the ocean that seemed to go on without end, that person felt a bit minuscule.

"Not bad... The Grand Alstreim Ocean looks beautiful indeed..." The person's eyes gleamed as his sapphire eyes reflected the ocean surface's beauty that reflected the sunlight's rays. The shallow oceanic water frothed as waves flowed towards the shore in a seemingly harmonious manner.

"Wonderful... I should've brought my two wives along to view this scenery, but it's a pity..." The person couldn't help but lament.

Looking at the blindingly beautiful blue sea also made the person remember the time he spent traveling on the sea aboard a ship with his personal maid.

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