
What Have You Done To...!?

What Davis said was true. After their intimate session, he handed it over to Natalya even though she looked as if she was going to be crushed to death by it.

"Not fair!" Evelynn walked towards him and tried to return politely, "You should give everything to Natalya!"

But Davis raised his hand and stopped her, "Your meaning is that you don't want this diluted blood essence?"

"Yes! I don't want it!"

Evelynn's expression became severe before she continued to walk and stood in front of him.

She grasped his palms and placed the vial back on his palms, "Take it back."

Davis became taken aback before he blurted out, "But Natalya would have a tough time absorbing those fifteen drops of diluted blood essence in the first place!"

"Then give it to your mother or father or use it for yourself! You're the one who is overseeing all and protecting us, so please be a little selfish, okay?"

Evelynn bit her lips as her voice tremblingly echoed.

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