
Evelynn's Battleform

'A vain attempt at humiliating me?' Davis imperceptibly shook his head, but his gaze fell on Elder Towerfall.

He could tell who was behind the scenes, but if this was his way of getting revenge, then he would have to say that it was quite low-grade, not befitting of people coming from major powers.

"Let the battle begin!" A shout rang out from the referee!

Baize instantly dropped all pretense and shot forwards with his flames soaring behind his body. He appeared as if he was shooting star that left a trail of fire in the air!

Baize's flame enveloped his rear as he shot towards his opponent at an incredible speed!

In two seconds, he neared Evelynn and slammed his two hands right at her face, trying to crush her from the air as the tide of flames generated from his body plummeted right above her!

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