

Alexi Ethren's expression changed. His fists subconsciously clenched as veins erupted on his forehead. He closed his eyes as he knew that it should more or less be like this, otherwise, there was no need for his master to be this bent on vengeance against this bastard father.

He also recognized that the time frame they met was coincidental with the time when Kaiser Ethren said to have gone crazy and berserk to engage in female infanticide. 

'Another case of female infanticide, huh? Did that old bastard kill Master's only child? Was their child, a daughter?'

He couldn't help but feel pity and angry.

'Master is near the ending of her lifespan and she can finally have her revenge. This should be the best-case scenario I could present before her life ends and my secret technique fades away...'

'Honestly, my vitality is dropping by the second... If I keep it up anymore, it will lead to unresolvable consequences!' 

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