
Arc Song Mercenaries

"Hahaha..." Young Leader Baris found this really funny. He, an unscrupulous person, with just a little bit of royal makeover, was treated with respect and politeness. He didn't experience this feeling in his lifetime, not even once but now, he did.

The more he assumed like this, the more he thought that his father's ambition of ruling a kingdom was to his liking!

'It doesn't matter if I'm corrupt... Even if I'm evil, if I have status and power, I have it all! Wealth! Women! I only need the necessary power to establish my status!' This thought appeared in his mind and somehow deeply entrenched in his soul. Even a feeling of wanting to reign on top of his father encroached his heart.

His face turned into a grin as he looked at some people who surrounded him after the smoke had started to dissolve into the surroundings, effectively losing its potency.

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