
The Reason For Her Worries

Royal Castle, Davis's room.

The world just welcomed dawn with light shining the skies.

Davis woke up and his slight movement woke Evelynn up as well.

Their eyes met and they both slightly smiled at each other, especially Evelynn, her eyes smitten with love.

"Good morning... Evelynn..." Davis kissed her forehead and sat up.

Evelynn smiled gently and made a strange sound as if she was purring.

Davis was flabbergasted as he looked back but seeing that she went back to sleep, he shook his head while being amused.

He didn't know how he slept beside a delicacy without doing nothing at all. Maybe it had to do with him comforting her or himself to be exact.

All these years, during the time he spent in the First Layer, he doubted himself since he seemed to hold lust towards her whenever he thought of her.

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