
Own A Place To Stay?

Davis knew that to get her out of this delusional state, he must give her a blow that was equivalent to a shock.

'Maybe lightning attacks will do good, no?' He amusingly thought but was earnestly considering what to do though leaving her like this was also one of his options.

Contrary to what he thought, Natalya could clearly see him but had no intention to leave him since she had already seen him as her savior; benefactor.

But since her state of mind was not right, she couldn't even explain why she acted like this.

In fact, if onlookers were to look at them, they would guess that the woman was just desperate to obtain a wealthy backer or the man was cruelly betraying the pleading woman.

After thinking it through, Davis decided. He let out a deep sigh before removing his raven shaped mask.

Of course, he was still cautious and activated his Soul Sense that was enough to cover their blind spots from the unknown.

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