

To his frustration, Elder Severin realized that there were already two groups of people belonging to the Towering Cloud Hall and the Alstreim Family respectively! 

They were the remaining two factions of the Tripartite Alliance!

How was it possible?! Since the two groups had already crossed the previous two paths, they also should have sustained losses but that didn't seem to be the case. 

Well, maybe that explained why he didn't find any bloodstains in the pathways. 

'Tch..' He grew mentally irritated, thinking that their groups didn't meet with calamity. He also guessed that they didn't separate but traveled in a single tunnel rather than two.

"Haha! Elder Severin! You're late!" A middle-aged man who wore the purple robe of the Tripartite Alliance cordially greeted with an immense smile on his face.

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