
Council Meeting(Part I/II)

Location: Conference Room in Bern

POV: Kyle's

''Sir, the sector heads have gathered to discuss the start of Phase 2, also all reports will be handed to you. Please proceed downwards.'' Nova said. ''Thank you, Nova, be at ease now,'' I replied. I proceed to head downstairs, ''IN THE MARSHALL WE TRUST!'' The 2 Guards have changed, now 2 Black skulls guard the entrance towards the basement, after the salute, they push the door open as I approach.

I head into the busy working area, all party related documents, finances, personnel is all processed here.

''Sir!'' The workers saluted. ''At ease men, continue the work,'' I replied to their salute.

I approach the door to the meeting room, another guard was stationed there, just before he could salute I signalled him to be silent with his hand. ''Yes Sir!'' He pushed open the door and I walked in at a normal pace with my hands behind my back, ''IN THE MARSHALL WE TRUST!'' The sector heads all saluted. ''At ease gentlemen, on the other hand, I must congratulate you all, we have officially gained a foothold in the Swiss Parliament!'' I replied. ''Thank you sir, but it is only due to your and Rudolf's planning that we are able to come so far.'' the head of intelligence said, all heads nodded to his explanation.

''Now Gentlemen this is the very first sector meeting after the fall of our base, let me toast on our successful revival in Switzerland!'' I picked up my champagne glass, while waiters started to bring each sector head their own glass. They all lifted their glasses, ''To the success of Phase one, to the successful revival of our Organisation, and to the MARSHALL!'' They said in unison. They clinked their glasses and started to drink from the very expensive champagne. I beckoned Rudolf over and whispered to him, ''Are the reports ready Rudolf?'' ''Yes Kyle, all that we have achieved the last 6 months is in the report. After the toasting, we will start the meeting.'' Rudolf replied softly, ''Good'' I answered.

''Now gentlemen, it is time to start our session!'' Rudolf announced. The men put down their glasses as the waiters pick them up and leave the room. ''We will start with the military reports and slowly go over each sector and their accomplishments and their next steps.'' Rudolf continued. ''If the sector head of Intelligence please step forward and report any signs of progress made,'' Rudolf ordered.

The intelligence head started:

''Yes Commander, the intelligence sector has completed all tasks given and has even advanced plans thought only to be able to initiate later. We have infiltrated every political party in Switzerland, sadly only on the surface of some Parties.

We have also started preparing our men for the Phase 2 recruitment plan, recruitment outposts have been build in rural areas already. Thirdly we then have also been keeping tabs on the [Unknown] Organisation. No movement has been found, we have however been able to find a few of their agents. Lastly, our Sleeper agents in England have been found, 7 were stationed there, 5 were uncovered and fled, sadly 3 of the 5 died in the pursuit, the other 2 have successfully escaped back to our Outpost in Zurich and are now recuperating. The other Sleeper agents in France have been able to successfully enter the top politicians, although 2 out of the 6 have been discovered and killed. In Germany all our sleeper agents thanks to our strategic use of influence in the Wehrmacht have not been uncovered, all 7 of the 7 are still operating, but have been unable to achieve a lot of progress also due to the Wehrmacht, as they have been seen as Wehrmacht allies, making the SS life difficult for them. That is all for now.''

''Good work Sector head, now if the new sector head of the Ravens please step forwards,'' Rudolf ordered. 'Ah, the Biggest secret I have uncovered in The Swiss Alps, NO ONE would have thought that he faked his death and fled in 1918.' I thought as I saw the man in front of me. ''MANFRED VON RICHTHOFEN REPORTING!'' The Commander of the Ravens is none other than the WW1 Red Baron, who allegedly died April 1918 due to being shot down.

We came into contact with him accidentally, as one of our spies infiltrated a plane workshop and school in Adelboden, he found a very talented man, although now in his 50s Manfred is still the Ace he was in WW1 as he has his own planes to fly and practice with. I personally went to extend an invitation to him after knowing it was THE Manfred von Richthofen, I convinced him by in detail telling him about a plane flying without propellers and going faster than sound. Even drawing on my memory an incomplete jet engine and Me 262, and of course a bit of money.

Manfred started:

''Although my short time here at the organisation I am honoured to work here, I have a huge passion for planes, and I believe our Marshall is able to bring planes to a new height literally. Now as requested I have trained 50 fighter pilots for The new Hurricane planes that have been brought over from England. Also, the pilots for the Ju 52 are close to finishing their training. Lastly, the temporary Airbase has been constructed, I thank the Sector head of Construction for. At has no anti-air capabilities and the Planes still need to be mounted their respective armaments! That is all I have to report for now.''

''Well done Manfred, you live up to your name as the Red Baron, able to train these Pilots in less than a year is truly a marvel!'' Rudolf replied to the report. Manfred retreated back to his place. ''New Sector head of the white Skulls please step forward!'' Rudolf ordered.

The head of the White Skulls started:

''First, I am sorry for what my predecessor has done to the Organisation, and I will make sure that will never happen again! Now as for the report; We have started light recruitment programs in Switzerland and infiltrated the Swiss army. It has not been very successful since the recruitment of new men is relatively low at the moment. Besides that we have trained all over Switzerland 1000 White skulls, spread all over Switzerland to protect our establishments of other sectors. That is all I have to report Sir.''

''Although a bit below our target, it is still close to it, only 200 men missing. Besides that nothing to complain, we factored in the difficulty of infiltrating the army in our plan.'' Rudolf said to the Sector head as he proceeded back to his place.

''Now it is my turn for the report;

The skull army is still recuperating from our heavy losses in Germany, we have only been able to recruit 500 Black skulls, 20 Silver Skulls and 6 Gold Skulls. Each Sector head will now be given command over their own Silver Skull squad, I have no say in it. The maximum size the Squad can become is 50 men this is for the consideration of what happened last time with the white skulls. Besides our target for recruitment we have been able to start R&D on new weaponry, the weapon labs are currently temporary for the engineers and scientists in Blatten. That is all I have to report, besides that our general staff has been reassembled, and includes some German Generals who have defected.''

Rudolf stepped back before looking at his list again before saying: ''Sector Head of Construction please Step forward!''

Head of construction stepped forward and started:

''We have completed the transfer of all Materials for the construction of the new Motherbase to Blatten, The Blueprints have been drafted since we have more space and more demand is put on safety the price and size have increased. We have reached the quota that the Marshall requested in the very beginning before Rudolf renegotiated, We can hold a total of 300,000 men inside the base, Storage has been increased by 25%, the internal airbase can now hold 500 planes combat ready, which has been requested by Manfred! Our base in Germany has been completely dissembled and thanks to the Logistic team all materials and goods have now left Germany. Construction of the Base has started last week with only excavation and preliminary defence structures. The Specially designed doors are still in transit as we speak from Germany. Besides that, there is nothing else to report Sir!''

''Excellent, truly excellent! You have done us a great service Head of construction and head of logistics!'' Rudolf said with respect in his eyes. ''Now if the head of Logistics would please stand up and report.'' Rudolf continued...

Our First Meeting, People now is the time where I will start to focus a lot on the base building and character development. Hope you enjoy :)

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