The look on Emperor Wu's face became serious.
"Their succession system requires parricide.
"Do you know what that is?"
Feng Wu shook her head, but she had a feeling that it involved something very cruel.
Emperor Wu said solemnly, "When one of the princes takes the throne, he has the right to kill all his brothers, and he has to do that.
"It's written in their law."
Feng Wu took a deep breath.
Emperor Wu said, "Their kings don't have queens or wives. They only have female slaves.
"All the princes are born from these slaves and are treated as equal. They're brought up in a strict environment, and the most powerful prince will take the throne."
Feng Wu took another deep breath.
Emperor Wu asked, "Do you think that gives them a great chance of producing powerful princes?"
Feng Wu nodded. "Yes. They'll have a high chance of producing geniuses."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: