His comical act of scurrying away while covering his head on the street that day, his deep contemplation while meditating in the inn's courtyard, his reckless and unaffected manner on the wine table, and his calm and dignified bearing: all those facets made him somewhat confused about what kind of person he was.
The only certainty, however, was that the young man was the first person he admired after coming to Nebula City and the first person he intended to make friends with.
"Little Brother Feng, are you acquainted with that person?"
While speaking, Xiao Yihan gestured with his eyes toward a man who was completely drenched and looked like a mess. That man turned his gaze away in a hurry after seeing Feng Jiu, but then he couldn't help looking at him again. It was really weird.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: