
Are You Being Racist, Right Now?

"W-what is happening?" Ji-hyo's voice trembled.

"It seems someone just helped us" Jong Kook said as he squinted his eyes as to make out their surroundings as it was too dark around them and they could only see an arms length within the darkness.

"It must be those people on the helicopter that I saw earlier!" Kwang Soo shouted in glee as he tried to stand up.

"Shush~ Someone's coming" Jong Kook said as he immediately perked up his ears as he could clearly hear those rushed footsteps heading towards their direction with how eerily quiet the forest had become after those multiple gunshots.

Ji-hyo and Kwang Soo also went silent immediately as they could also hear it.

Then the footsteps stopped just a few meters away from them and the three people immediately became nervous as they started having cold sweats as they could even hear their hearts beating wildly.


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