

After Rune left I found that all I could do was wait for him to return. I now carry Fig around every where I go and I miss being able to talk to him. I miss watching him running around the garden playing with the fairies... I went back to the cave hoping I'd be able to see Nexus again but he wasn't there and if it wasn't for the silver eyes I'd think it was just a dream.

I make my way back to the garden and I smile when I see all the fairies still hard at work and playing as they go. I find a large weeping willow and make a spot for Fig and I to lay down. The suns were high in the sky giving off a nice, comfortable warmth that was made perfect by a cool breeze.

I listen to the birds singing and chirping and find myself smiling. The sun gently breaks through the leaves of the willow as it sways in the breeze. I could be angry and bitter about dying but I'm not going to do it. I'm grateful for the life I've had.. for the people I've met.. for the places I've been.. the magic and the wonder. It has been a great life. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep at the sound of the leaves blowing in the wind and the birds singing.

I wake up briefly when I feel a pair of strong arms picking me up and carrying me. At first I think it's Rune but I quickly discover it's Leon. "Shhh.. rest." I listen and lean my head against his chest as I hold a sleeping Fig. My sleep is deep and peaceful with out any dreams as Leon tucks me into my large bed.

I suddenly find myself in a dark room with someone standing in the corner. "Hello?" I say in a small voice and find the whole thing odd. I look down to find Fig in my arms but I find that nothing makes sense... I look around the dark room but I don't find anything familiar. The person in the corner moves and I snap my attention back to it.

"Where is this?" I ask in a small voice as I strain to see who's standing in the dark. "I really didn't think I would see you so soon again... but can you imagine the luck?" My heart drops when I recognize the voice. No.. it can't be. "Ryder?" I ask with a shaky voice and he laughs.

"I was planning on how to kill you so that I could pull your soul down here and to think that you practically sent yourself to me on a silver platter. Did you miss me that much?" My heart was pounding so hard I felt like I was about to have a heart attack. "I'm dead?" I ask barely above a whisper.

"Well... not yet but close enough. Your body will completely die soon so it doesn't matter. Your body can no longer hold your soul so it was quiet easy to pull you to me but fear not, I will make your stay here comfortable." He finally stepped forward and I sucked in nearly choking in fear.

His eyes were completely black.. the whites of his eyes were even black and it looked like things were larking in behind his eyes. His hair was so pale it looked white.. as white as his skin. His face looks gaunt and haunted... His nails were as black as his eyes and when he smiled it felt as if my heart had nearly stopped. What in the world... as he stalked closer I felt like running but I couldn't move.

"It's good to see you again..." He gently touches my cheek and I feel my skin crawl.. my eyes snap to a movement behind him and notice with fear that his shadow had a life of its own. It drew closer and when it touched me I sucked in and jumped back. It was so cold.. and it felt as if it was trying to suck out what little life I had left.

"Come.. let me show you your new life. You will rule by my side and when we become strong enough.. we will go back to the land of the living and kill them all." He grabs my hand pulling me through the large doors and into what looked like.. hell. This can't be happening...

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