"Who are you?! How dare you intrude and destroy the space formation!" yelled the furious headmaster. Although he was furious, he was also fearful since a saint realm cultivator can't break the space formation unless they have a divine weapon.
The headmaster didn't even look like one, but more like a pale faced elderly scholar who been sleeping for too long with woman. The same could be said for the elders.
"You've been wantonly harassing woman for too long and have corrupted the entire Extreme Yin Empire into slavery for woman and a heaven for men. My master won't feel at peace if I don't eradicate you for good," said the weapon spirit as he sent a protection field out for all the woman, blocking the extreme gravity and offering defense.
"Who the hell do you think you are?! Kill this guy for offending our Empire!" yelled the headmaster in contempt. The fear he had of him earlier had vanished.
Before they could move, space was locked up for them and their faces revealed horror.
"First of all, none of you have foundations in the dao. Second of all, your weak foundations are built on pill consumption. Third of all, you aren't even close to my cultivation level. Do you really think you'd have a chance against me?" he asked as their foundation instantly collapsed, leaving them as mortals. The weapon spirit put them down on the ground where the girls were.
"P-please don't kill me! I h-have everything you need! Y-you can have all the woman you want! Riches, fame, anything!" said the old headmaster who immediately cowered in fear while bowing.
He shook his hand and with the wipe of his hand, his cultivation was destroyed. Becoming a mortal, he was tossed down to the females. With a thought, all the male cultivators in the Extreme Yin Empire were crippled completely.
The females were revealed after the dust was settled, most full of scars. Although kept well fed for their figures, their looks had nothing but emptiness and despair. All their ages were random. Upon seeing the scene, some awoke surprised.
"All you females, take a look as they die painfully of their actions!" yelled the weapon spirit as he burned their bodies alive slowly. They howled and begged for mercy but eventually turned to ashes.
Some slowly awakened as they got on their knees and cried while bowing. Soon, most began waking up from their nightmares before crying and begging for mercy. The rest attempted suicide and killed themselves with weapons from debris. The weapon spirit didn't stop them since it was their choice.
"I can take you all to a safe place. But you'll all be knocked out before arriving. If you trust me, than accept my hand. If you don't, then stay here and be destroyed with the rest of the world," I said indifferently.
However, they all agreed immediately to his surprise as they prostrated and cried in worship. He'd normally feel satisfied with a worship ceremony like this, but seeing their situation, he only felt pity. With a wave of his hand, all the females were knocked out before being pulled into his world.
With a wave, the central core of the island collapsed and the island plummeted towards the ground at extremes while breaking up. Soon, it collided with the water, creating a large splash that quickly settled down in a matter of seconds, before disappearing.
Time went by but not at all long. The gravity had long become strong enough that the majority of the water after a certain depth turned to ice because of the pressures. Horrifying lava creatures would escape escape from the mantle, causing the crust to shatter. Some volcanoes managed to form and rise above, releasing plumes of smoke.
The atmosphere began thinning out, to the point that it's suffocating. A black wall of space energies constantly attacked every spot of the atmosphere, while turning it all into energy that escaped. But all have died so nobody could detect it anymore. Only the Ancient Clans could detect this, but they have already fled.
With the collapse of the heavenly barrier between the higher and lower realm, they managed to escape the Immortal Realm. Even some lucky saint realm cultivators managed to escape as well, but most were killed by the space energies.
Soon, the oceans began evaporating at speeds worse than what it was during the star tribulation. The crust began collapsing as lava creatures escaped, and the clash between the water created huge amounts of steam. However, the mantle was winning, and the steam pushed back the space energies as it accumulated more than the atmosphere.
Steam stopped being released and whole oceans froze up. Volcanoes barely oozed and were pressed to the ground. The atmospheric pressure exceeded 700 atmospheres before it turned into a liquid state, that rolled on the surface. The space energies entered fiercely and attacked the surface, making it look like a modern war zone full of explosions.
Matter became so compressed that it began breaking down and turned into neutrons. They couldn't compress together so they moved towards the center. The crust collapsed and magma overturned the entire surface, pulling everything on the surface with it regardless if it was air or water.
Immortal Realm began shrinking as it turned into a magma world from the outside. The fire creatures that came late couldn't escape the gravity and rolled on the surface to die.
Sorry for no release yesterday. I had to head with my dad to the capital of our state to sell tickets for a baseball game with a friend. The drive is two hours since we live near the border of my state.
This happened after school and was a bit abrupt since he didn't tell me beforehand.
When we got back, it was 9 PM at dark so I had no time.