
Arthur's Life (4)

The few days quickly went by as nothing interesting happened even when the Count was talkative.

They arrived at the huge castle surrounded by a man-made river. Countless buildings surrounded it. An average medieval city and castle as you'd expect.

Time went by and soon, Arthur was already sent off to war.

Joining the class of knights, he was taught how to ride a horse which he picked up on easily. But he was treated indifferently among the other knights and none conversed.

Sent off to war, he traveled a week on horseback with abundant supplies for the trip. Then he fought in a large battle and charged down the enemies soldiers. With the knights joining in, the losing side began turning to the winning side. Arthur experienced the first kill of his life. It was very vivid, with blood gushing out. Arthur felt sick but stuck to his rationality and continued in.

With the winning of the first battle, he came out relatively unscathed but a little tired. He rested before him and the group of knights on horseback went next to the battle location with the cheers of the soldiers behind him. Even though the impact of killing someone for the first time left a vivid image, he still pushed forward as he had always known this would happen.

Pushing through different enemy front-lines, the multiple enemies were forced to retreat even if some knights were killed. But Arthur managed to survive them all and the knights began to look at him slightly differently. He even received a letter from the king that he'd be rewarded handsomely when he returned.

But unfortunate luck struck him. A month into the fighting, it was the final battle that would allow them to return home with territory and riches. He received a letter that both his parents had contracted an illness had bedridden them to the point that they have a high chance of dying. Even though his mentality had toughened out and he no longer hesitated to kill his enemies, this hit him hard the most.

His mothers wish was for him to live well and his fathers was the same except to keep the inheritance alive and to keep repairing it. This was written on the letter and could be said as a dying wish. Arthur desperately wished to return home but had no choice but to finish the final battle. He knew it must be the pendant that was allowing them to live, so he wanted to return quickly.

It was because of this anxiousness that it led to a fatal mistake on the battlefield. He was impaled accidentally in one of the joint regions of his leg that had a major artery. The pendant could repair it, but he continued to fight before suffering multiple wounds from the enemies. Although the pendant have a regenerative energy, it wasn't enough to save him.

Falling unconscious with the last thought of his parents, the pendant suddenly glowed. In a similar situation to me, Arthur fell into purgatory with protection from the pendant. Experiencing something similar to me, it wasn't until time passed that his soul and body traversed the multiverse.

He happened to land in the Immortal Realm just like me. Except, it was a totally different setting than what I was used. It was the Ancient Era.

Arthur woke up gradually to find himself still alive. Frantically patting himself, he realized his injuries had vanished. His armor and equipment was still on him to his surprise. Getting up, his face turned to shock because the scenery looked like something out a fairy-tale. The air and winds were fresh. The mountains in the distance were beautiful and mists surrounded the. Plants and life was full of vitality. Strange plant types full of vitality and fragrances were everywhere.

He reached his pendant to realize it had turned into powder. But a strange set of words floated in the air in front of him. Although he barely understood any of it, he realized that this was a totally different world. Basic information about certain things like Qi and energy were talked about but he had trouble understanding the concept.

The only thing he received from it was a thick book with diagrams of strange pathways withing his body called meridians and dantian. Additional information was given about how to properly use them.

It wasn't until he got into a fierce battle with a mutated rabbit that attacked him suddenly. It's size was larger than any other rabbit he had ever seen. His skills allowed him to swiftly take the victory in a few minutes even though his stamina had depleted a little. Using his survival skills, he quickly made a fire, and flayed the rabbit.

It wasn't until eating the cooked rabbit did energy flow into his body and strengthen it. He was surprised at first to see that he had become slightly stronger upon eating it.

Spending the next few days, he silently survived in his armor and killed several mutated rabbits. His strength and vitality fully recovered and the strength flowing through himself. But it wasn't until he met a mutated bear that he barely survived even with armor on. He laid on the ground and steadily recovered his stamina before cooking up the bear meat.

All his attributes soared and he realized that he could look into his body. It freaked him out at first since he had never done such a thing, but he quickly memorized all the strange inner workings. Discovering the dantian, he then observed the strange substance within him known as Qi.

Soon, he was able to detect the energies in the air and it brought a whole new world to him. Arthur slowly figured out how to control the Qi within his body within weeks. But it took a month to figure out how to absorb from the air to add to his own. The rain was liquid Qi and it greatly helped.

After so much time had passed, he soon fell into depression and realized that home no longer existed. But he didn't give up and continued to survive even though the armor and sword slowly degraded with each usage.

After an unknown amount of time, his strength had reached unprecedented levels and the bears could no longer harm him much. It was one day that Arthur realized his dantian shook that it began chipping away at the blocked meridians.

After reading the book out of boredom, he knew what to do. Arthur manipulated the Qi to attack the blocked major meridians. He cleared one major meridian before his dantian was exhausted. Arthur repeated it until he had cleared a complete pathway around his body, completing the major meridian realm as said in the book. They said it was difficult, but it seemed easy to him.

His strength stabilized but the armor and equipment could easily be damaged so he tried to be careful. Soon, he became the king of the area and nobody could match up to him. But he realized that his strength stagnated.

With no choice, he decided to leave the region and head to different ones so he could get stronger.

Ai, it seems as though my novels going downhill. I didn't put much thought about where to go as this novel was an idea that randomly popped up in my head.

I didn't lay down any foundation of some sorts. But oh well. My next book will have one so that's a relief. I'll still continue to type and try to make something out of this novel even if popularity goes down.

Also, school's next Wednesday!

LemonGrenadecreators' thoughts
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