
Literally Raining Stars (2)

In a widely known ocean that spans millions of miles, was a commotion so large that there was currently tsunamis miles high. Massive shock waves directly shattered the internal organs of creatures that were below the xiantian realm. Any islands harboring civilization within a hundred million miles will be doomed to be completely submerged. Any ships without formations and runes will be swallowed with no chance of survival.

Meteor showers will become common for the next few years, as magma and other things will come crashing down. Some will be extremely large and cause deaths while others will burn up beforehand.

Right now, an area hundreds of thousands of miles is full of slowly repairing space and chaotic star energy. No air and water is present, making the place an eerie quiet. Magma covers this entire area way bigger than the Earth's diameter, releasing enough smoke and soot every second to create a planet out of each.

The force behind the collision of the sun-like star has forced all the water away, leaving the place in magma. Now that the force is gone, tsunami's dozens of miles high are now re-approaching the area to fill in the massive empty space.

The atmosphere is no exception, as it was pulled away with the water as well, leaving behind a vacuum. Air rushed in slowly, but with the vacuum, quickly sped up to the speed of sound. This rushed way faster than the tsunami's, so it collided fiercely with the wall of smoke. The wall of smoke fell easily, and became the front-line of the wall of approaching air, making it look like a black dust storm that moved at the speed of sound.

The magma was no exception, as it was violently blown away like mists of water in fierce winds. This gave the black storm and eerie red. If it wasn't for the high concentrations of carbon dioxide and smoke, the wall of air would've caught fire by now. But as the smoke accumulated, it finally began to slow down a little. But this vacuum is about the diameter of the sun. It will take a little over 1100 hours to fill in, or a little more than 45 days, or about 1.5 months if it continues to stay at it's current speed.

Right now, I'm floating within the violent magma wasteland with nothing but smoke everywhere. It's been ten minutes, and my exoskeleton has fully repaired. My cultivation has recovered once again. Looking up, the next one has already entered. It's size is 75% smaller, but it's still frightening. Since there's no atmosphere, there's no explosions but just a giant bright ball getting closer every second.

Magma and smoke seemed to be sucked into the star. This time I was somewhat prepared, and stuck to the magma lake. Another collision happened once again. I was forcefully pushed down deep before hit by a violent explosion. My exoskeleton took it better than last time, and only a few small cracks appeared.

I was violently thrown back out into the air, along with other chunks of magma before falling back into the violent lake. My insides screamed in pain as I flipped my huge body over.

The next star came a little bit later than usual, but it's size was a little less than half. I had no chance to pay attention to my surroundings and just focused on repairing my exoskeleton. Eventually, the next one came twenty minutes later. Although it's hard to get a good grasp on sizes when you're this tiny, I could tell this one was a blue hot star twice as large as the sun.

When it collided, I was catapulted thousands of miles deep with severely damaged shingles. I frantically absorbed energy from my surroundings, trying to repair them. My mental energy has somewhat drained from this working. I've never been in a situation that has stars colliding with me, so it's quite a drainer.

Fifteen minutes later, when I had mostly recovered, another explosion happened above. The mantle was gouged out like the sea floor and I was pushed deeper. Then I was flung out into the air from the rebound of the mantle. Soaring into the skies, I flew along with the mantle pieces. I flew quite far but landed in a different area of the magma lake.

I realized that my air supply is close to running out in my stomach. If I don't get any soon, then I'll die of suffocation before the stars.

I noticed that the smoke and ashes seemed to moving in a direction. The speed of it began to accelerate faster. I spread out my divine sense, to see a wall of smoke and magma, as high as the atmosphere goes, heading towards my direction. The speed of it sent magma from the surface into it.

I braced for impact, and collided. My body was sent into the air and flipping about. Losing my sense of direction, I realized I could breathe! Quickly sucking gulps of air into my stomach, I didn't care if it was mixed with smoke. I forced my body to descend towards the ground, and quickly collided. My body slid into the magma from the pressures as my dome shaped body allowed air to pass above easily.

What I was seeing was something similar to a hurricane hitting land. The smoke filled air passed by at speeds that could kill anything. Magma was constantly uprooted and tossed into the air. I was devouring Qi and applying it as a force to stick me to the magma surface. I slowly got used to the air over the next few minutes.

But that lasted only for so long, as the winds began changing directions. Blazing lights began shining through the dark smokey air. It was all pulled away before a star revealed itself. I could only pray, as it collided with me.

Sorry for the slow releases and short chapters. I fell asleep at the computer for two hours today because of exhaustion.

I've been doing a lot of landscaping work recently, and it's been making my muscles sore somewhat (I'm not completely lazy. I actually do landscaping work!). I have no choice but to do outside work because of parents and I'm well enough to.

My mood has not been the greatest. Hopefully I can get things back on track as soon as possible.

LemonGrenadecreators' thoughts
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