
Entering the 4th Dimension to Recover

I groggily regained consciousness as my brain started working again.

"Ugh, what happened? Wasn't I vanishing with my ex into the void?" I mumbled as began looking around. However, everything around me was blackness like the void. I tried moving, and I moved. A world of water instantly enveloped my vision.

"W-what the?! I'm not in a hospital? I really haven't vanished with my ex?" I said aloud, except no words came out.

Everywhere around me was ocean. But my location is near an island on some sort of reef. Unknown species of marine life are plentiful around me. Some just pass through me which was startling. However, the surroundings are beautiful. The blue, clear waters and the moving surface, with rays of light shining through. The vibrant marine life everywhere.

The marine life passed through my body with no obstructions, like I'm not there. I felt a connection to my main body, so I looked down. Surprisingly, it was a sea urchin that had purple shingles as body armor. It's size about five inches. It was dome-shaped, with the bottom completely flat.

This is my body? What happened to my body?

I floated down before entering. It was pitch blackness like the void once again. But I spotted a dim light within. I moved closer to the light until it was in front of me. The space opened up to a dimly lit sphere inside me with different channels connected, like a circulatory system. I entered the space, to find a bizarre place.

Occasional dim flakes of lights floated about as some entered those channels while some came in. I could feel the bizarre energy in those flakes. However, as a person who's read novels before, this was way too familiar.

"Don't tell me this is a dantian, and those are meridians, like in a novel?" I thought which I couldn't help but wonder.

I went into the meridians and followed them around. Most of them are very narrow with a bunch blocked up. Through these, I was able to see the dark interior of my body. The organs and body resemble nothing of a human. The mouth is at the bottom where it's currently latching onto the rock. Seven gills are also there. I was completely baffled at my luck to be reincarnated into a shingle sea urchin.

I exited my body once again to see my great grandfather's pendant floating in front of me. The silvery glow is completely gone, and cracks are everywhere on its surface. Its surface looks feeble as if it had taken a beating. Then it fell apart before turning into silver powder which assembled into sentences resembling commands.

[Event log:]

[Silver pendant command center activated. Continuing last command]

[Initiating DCP (dantian construction protocols)...]

[DCP activated. Beginning construction...]

[Construction failed. Not enough lifeform energy...]

[Switching to Silver pendant energy reserves...]


[Re-initiating DCP...]


[Lifeform life signatures below safe levels]

[Initiating SPP (soul preservation protocol)...]


[Deploying anti-heaven and anti-hell shields...]


[Deploying IRS (illusion rivers of soul) shields...]


[Lifeform soul has received mental protection from the Purgatory void]

[Energy reserves are 20%]

[Entering hibernation to recover energy. Time estimation: 1002 years, 28 days, 46 minutes, 15 seconds]

[During this time, basic commands will stay active to maintain protection. Due to a lower energy recovery rate to maintain protection; time estimation: 1348 years, 32 days, 34 minutes, 58 seconds]

[Entering hibernation mode...]


[Reboot successful. Running full scan...]

[Scan complete. Energy reserves full. External damage 10.04%. Internal damage 0.89%. All systems functioning properly]

[Activating SRP (soul reincarnation program)...]


[Scanning Multiverse Database files...]

[349 octillian universes found. Randomly selecting one...]

[File name: 'Immortal Realm' has been randomly selected. Initiating space time wormhole...]

[Wormhole initiated. Beginning traverse across space and time. Time estimation: 2 years...]

[Traverse successful. Approaching 'Immortal Realm'...]

[Success. Energy reserves depleted to 30%]

[Perimeters adjusted to match with the 'Immortal Realm']

[Entering 'Immortal Realm'...]

[Unknown interference of multiple energy lifeforms]

[Warning! Sustaining damage to exterior. Defense platforms activated]

[Warning! Rapid depletion of energy reserves. Time estimation: 25 minutes]

[Offense platforms activated]

[Warning! Not enough energy to continue attacking. Deactivating attack platforms and initiating stealth platforms...]


[Energy reserves: 2.55%. Severe damage to pendant. Exterior: 78.86%. Interior: 12.13%. Multiple systems damaged]

[Emergency energy reserves activated. Not enough to complete future commands. Searching database for possible solution]

[Solutions found: 30]

[Only one solution is possible at this moment]

[Requesting creator for permission...]

[Permission granted. Initiating...]

[Description: due to loss of energy and severe damage, the only solution is to sacrifice the exterior of the pendant. The interior will hibernate until enough energy is available to activate the return command to return to it's creator]

[Converting exterior to energy...]

[Complete. Energy reserves: 6.32%]

[Resuming normal procedures...]

[Adjusting soul parameters to normal soul parameters within the 'Immortal Realm'...]


[Initiating scan of all types of lifeforms...]

[Failed. Insufficient energy. Scanning all lifeforms within 161 kilometers...]

[Data collected. All lifeforms with resembling DNA from Earth have been listed]

[Choosing a random vessel...]

[Vessel selected. Species: Colobocentrotus Atratus. Family: Echinometridae. Class: Echinoidea. Other names: Helmet Urchin/Shingle Urchin]

[Restarting dantian construction. Time estimation: five days]

[Construction complete]

[Two bonus's are rewarded to help those at the beginning}

[First reward: exoskeleton mutation. As a sea urchin, having a strong exoskeleton is important for survival and protection. Your exoskeleton has mutated and allowed it to be more stronger and tougher than turtle shells]

[Second reward: digestive system mutation. Sea urchins normally eat plants as their digestive systems are designed to. Your system has mutated to allow intakes of plant and animal]

[Bonus reward: devour laws (personally rewarded by the creator). Laws can be comprehended by anything living, no matter how complex they are. With full comprehension of devour laws, you will be able to devour any energies or living beings as long as you have enough energy and strength to do so. The more powerful you become, the more you can devour]

[All objectives have been acquired. Entering the 4th dimension for recovery]

I had a rough time.

I was up all night having the most horrible stomach pains of my life with nausea. I nearly bit the skin off my hands from enduring the pain.

I think I contracted a serious intestinal disease this time. Yesterday, I was having a fever, muscle and joint pain.

Hopefully, I can keep my promise of a chapter a day and not go to the hospital. Right now, most of my symptoms have vanished during the day, but it gets horrible at night.

LemonGrenadecreators' thoughts
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