1 In the Beginning... (Description)

In The beginning...

It was 3 00 in the morning, Ryntis time, and most of the people were asleep. Some people were still up minding their own business. But two men were up to some really big plan.

"Are you sure we have to risk this boss?" asked a man in a black cloak. "There are many guards in the palace. It will be dangerous to go there."

"Yes, we must get the baby princess!" exclaimed the 'boss.' "Nothing must happen to her!"

The men scaled the palace walls, knocking out the guards who tried to stop them. Breaking lock after lock, confronting dozens of guards, and continuously moving, they found the room they approached the room where the baby princess was in. As the doorknob was touched, the alarm went off.

"Touch sensors...," muttered one of the men.

"Quick, let's get the baby and get out of here!"

The boss picked the lock of the princess' room, reached into her cot and scooped her up. With the baby princess crying, they took off out of the window.

The guards had arrived 10 seconds too late...

"SEARCH THE COUNTRY!" commanded the king.

After that, the palace security became even tighter, and the rest of the princess and princess were even more protected than ever.
