
Comments of chapter undefined of Rise of The Undead Legion


Nice epic end, just wondering couldn't he have used the guillotine, instance kill after count down of they don't kill him first, skill he got from death? It could kill the skinwalker that was immortal too?

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pls Biako, let it not end only one chapter after the last fight. There is so much more which should be told. Alone the Party celebrating the victory deserves more than one chapter. And what happens with our beloved skellie afterwards? And what about him and Zoey. Pls don't let it end this abruptly

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WOOOO! What an epic end to Alfred!! Forgot that Skelly could do that.

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i have followed this story since you released chapter 132, binged it for days and never once felt i had to comment as i wouldn't change a thing about it, I laughed, cried and fell in love with all the characters almost instantly bit i feel i have to comment now only to ask that you change one thing, give us more, only to round out the story completely, ill be sad to see this end as it is one on my favorite books to date however im very excited to see your new book. Fantastic writing style and will always be thankfull to you for bringing this absolute gem into everyones lives. I believe I speak for everyone when i say, the undead will live on in everyones hearts forever more

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I'm gonna be so mad if all the God's don't have an "congratulations" waiting for him That and everyone else Holy ****. I recalled staying up till 4 in the morning.readingg from hours before that, trapped and engulfed by your story Truly a wonderful journey and experience that I've got to read. I felt pain and sadness when The Undead King lost his memories. I felt joy when Dave achieved victory. I felt pride for his adventures And best of all. It all put a smile on my face Thank you, for giving me this experience. In a sea of mediocrity, I'm glad I found this hidden treasure of gold.

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well this was a great wn biako, hope this gets adapted someday

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I completely forgot about that skill. But you still can't end it because there is still a lot of unanswered questions

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I remember I believe you were on chapter 130 something it was so long ago. I picked this book up to fill time now it's by far one of the best reads I've ever had. You deserve this being turned into a tv series be it animated or live action. That said dave just ascended to god hood even if temporary he should be able to make a legacy that is by far one of the most powerful ever and I bet it links directly to the undead legion. God help his enemies for he has no mercy left to give

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wohoooooo. Let's Goooooo. Skelly richest man in the world now. John Bezos has nothing on him. Biako I prostrate myself before your might with the pen. The pen is always mightier than the sword in your hand.

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This is without a doubt the best novel I have read here! The joy and smile it put on my face while reading is amazing. This is something I've recommended to all my friends who read. For the legion! Never tire! Never hunger! Never fear!

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i cant believe we are so close to the end...can you at least do like SCOG and have a few post ending chapters?

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Thanks for bringing us on this journey Biako! Ive been here since close to the start and have loved every step of the story! Can't wait to see what your next adventure will be.

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Wow, that was awesome. Thanks for letting me be part of this journey, it have been such a nice read. You gonna continue with poison gods inheritence after you take a break?

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great battle. loved every word of it. lookin forward to seeing everything tying together

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Bruh we need way more that one more chapter. wht about him taking over as the new kinG? And the new weapons and moNster

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Dude!!! You blew my mind!! I was definitely not expecting that at all! AWESOME AS ALWAYS! Never fear!!!


I have followed this story from the beginning and I still don't want it to end. So sad. Biako any plans for future works

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A being that surpassed the game it self felled just as a long dead puppet king did

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that's the best way for that to end especially since we've rarely seen that skill proc.

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See this! I just gifted the story: Crown

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it's always the cliff hangers