
Hard Fought Battle

Singund sliced at Dave with brutal force. Dave sidestepped the strike that broke the arena pavement and punched at Singund's flank.


Singund grunted but swung horizontally trying to cut Dave' head off. Dave ducked under the swing and punched up.


 He was getting used to Singund's erratic battle style.

"You better have more than just that, draugr!" Singund roared, he was feeling exhilarated the more damage he took in. It was only natural, he was a pure berserker, the lower their HP the stronger they become.

Dave ignored Singund's comments, among all the undead he met, this was the one that talked the most. Dave waved his fingers, summoning eight yoga ball sized spectral skulls.

"Eat these!" Dave said, snapping his fingers.

The spectral skulls blew up, dealing tons of damage to the Undead High Orc, blasting him all the way to the side of the battle arena.

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