
Chapter 26: The Time and The Witch's Prince and The Man Clad in Bluish Flame

H: "Huff… Huff… Huff… Huff… Tch. It's happened everywhere."

Everywhere I look, it's all the same. Faded color surroundings, unmoving people, birds that have stopped mid-air, the water at the canal is not flowing, even the fountain that should be the greatest highlight of the town isn't working. It's not just the level of strange. It's like I'm trapped inside a world where time has stopped.

H: "Also, there's no wind at all…"

In spite of that, I can still breathe normally. But I can't feel any breeze or air touching my skin.

H: "Tch…"

On the other hand, my energy is being drained. I feel heavy, like my body is made of lead. My heartbeat is getting faster and faster every minute. I feel like choking at the trembling vibration of a none-existent air. Cold sweat is starting to pour out from my back as I feel this sinister mana enveloping the whole town.

H: "This is not just some regular mana of an ordinary person…"

The mana all around is tingling like a needle prickling my skin. It feels like it's crawling all over my body and creeping down from head to toe.

What the heck is this malignant mana…? But somewhere inside me, there's this me that still feels calm even with all this.

Good thing I'm more than used to mana and how to handle it. With the help of Mana Detect, I can already expect the coming mana even from far away, so these kinds of incursion are the least of my worry. Though, I think if a normal person feels this, they would have already passed out from the shock.

H: "Then I'm not normal anymore, huh? Heh."

There's not much time. I have to go.



Somewhere were light does not pass through.

It is a dark and ominous place. There were no sound except for a humming sound, coming from a machine inside the wide room for who knows how wide. One could look at the ceiling and can only see darkness. One could look around and see complete darkness. It's a place of isolation. A place where no one would dare to go in.

However, there are two figures that are planted on the ground. One was tied, chained, with her arms spread like a crucifixion on a cross. The other one stands proudly at the spectacle in front of him.

It was his dream come true.

??: "*snicker* Mufahaha… Mufahaha… Mufahahahaha!! Finally…"

The man could no longer hold his laughter. Like a tickle on his side, he let out a hearty laugh that no one could ever believe it was because of what he is about to do. His right eye that is covered with a black leather eye patch began to itch. Underneath it is a wound that have never healed. A scar is branded on the surface, and it ran across his eyebrow down to his chin.

??: "Just how many centuries have I waited for this moment… *snicker* AND NOW!! HERE! IN FRONT OF ME!!"

His excitement is over the roof. His heart was almost about to burst out of his chest. It was that exhilarating for the man in robe.

A black robe. Designed with intricate designs that seems like an ancient scripture, running along the sleeves.

Holding a large staff in his hands, he glared at the figure in front of him.

??: "Curse you… woman. Making this all a hassle… Do you understand what you did by escaping our clutches before…? HUH?!?"

??: "…"

??: "Keh… Can't respond, huh… Well, it is I who casted a curse on you so that you won't be able to fight back. Boring, if I say so myself."

??: "…"

Still no respond. The figure, a woman in her early adulthood, hangs her head lifelessly, with only the chains on her arms her only support.

She is tied on a huge machine that has a large orb, the size of a house, mounted on top of it. The orb seems to beat, as if an unknown life inside it is eagerly waiting to be released.


It is more like that it is waiting for its time to bear the life that is contained inside the crystal, which is embellished in the staff that is firmly held by the robed man.

Different sizes of metallic veins spread all over the large orb, seemingly providing enough nourishment for it.

??: "Ceres… was it? That's your name, am I right? The girl who escaped. The girl that we perfectly needed. But escaped! FUCK!"

The man stomped his feet a number of times on the cemented floor, like a child who just lost his favorite toy. Though his face is that of an old man, with his back crooked like one, his behavior betrays it.

??: "*wheeze* *wheeze* Keh… Fuck it. Well, whatever… We're here… I just had to take a detour… Right… Let's just think about it that way…"

Saying that, the old man placed the huge staff under the chin of Ceres, forcing her to look up. What meets the man were eyes that lost their life. They were not looking at anyone, nor at anything. Just a blank stare. With no purpose. Lost at nothingness. Void.

??: "Now, that's weird… Oh… HAH! Did your mind break already?! Mufahahahaha! Pathetic… Did you lose your will to live after experiencing the same fate again?!?! HUH?!?!"

The man then grinds the crystal on Ceres face with intensity. Her eyes teared, perhaps from pain.


She no longer have the will to respond to the pain. She no longer have the will to move, to react, to cry, to feel,

She no longer have the will to live.

C: ["Aah… I knew it… I never was freed from anything, after all… I never was freed from my past… It will haunt and haunt and haunt me… Until the day I die… This is my fate… The chains where never undone. I'm still entangled. Alone."]

["I'll always be here to protect you. My precious Moon Princess."]

C: ["Hans… Uu…"]

She recalled the face of the man who vowed to protect her. The image seems so vibrant, it felt like she is looking straight at him. The smile he usually has, the grin that always form when he teases her, the frown whenever he is worried and concerned, and his stern expression that surfaces from time to time. Yet, it is all but a thought. But it is all that she can think of.

C: ["I'm sorry…"]

But she doubt the man in her heart will come and fulfil his promise. She does not deserve it. After all he have done to her, all she had to do is to tell him that he does not care about him. That he does not concern her even the least.

C: ["He's definitely fed up now…"]

No matter how much the man's words repeatedly rang inside her head, she still feels like falling into abyss. Like a broken phonograph recorder, she keeps hearing his voice of vow. But the more she hears it, the more guilty she feels.

… Just because of a single question.

C: ["Does someone like me really deserve to be with him…?"]

??: "Hoh… It hurts, huh? Bawling like that. Keh."

She was expressionless all the while because of the curse spell casted on her.

[Silenciar]. A spell when used, can render the target unable to express anything, may it be emotion, feeling, word, anything.

Despite that, Ceres' tear fell.

C: "Hm… Mufa… Mufahahaha!! As expected!! As expected of a perfect vessel!! WONDERFUL!! To think you can even withstand a curse spell to that extent!! Mufahahahahahahah!!!"

After one more grind on Ceres cheeks, the man withdraw the staff away.

??: "*wheeze* *wheeze* I'll… I'll leave you at that. After all, it'll be the body of our Goddess. Leaving a bruise in it is plain blasphemy. At first, I thought we only need your Gift… But it seems like you'll be more than perfect to be the VESSEL instead!"

The robed man wiped the crystal with a clean cloth, staring at it as some sort of a diving artifact. In fact, it is a divine artifact. That, for sure, is a fact.

?? "Well then… Should we start…? *snicker* Before that old hag does something…"




H: "Florensia!!"

I forced open the door connecting the hallway and the office.

Flo: "Calm down… Y-Young'un… *pant*"

H: "Florensia? What's wrong??"

I found Florensia lying on the floor face down, trying to stand up using her hands.

I know my destination. But I haven't got the slightest clue on how to get there. The signal on my mana detect should be underneath the Fountain of Beginning. But there's no way I could just dig through it so for now, I had to go my way and meet the person who's best knowledgeable about the town.

But what the heck is happening to her?

Her face is paler than white but her veins are almost bursting out of her skin. It's a gruesome sight to see with her childlike body.

Flo: "Tis' nothing, y-young'un. Nuhaha… Forget about that, w-we should do something about… th-this…"

H: "Don't be ridiculous. As if I can just leave you in that state."

I know my priorities. It should be saving Ceres as soon as possible. And finding the way that will lead her is the first objective.

But I just can't ask Florensia without batting an eye, knowing that she's suffering like this. It would just go against my principles.

Flo: "H-Heh…~ Young'un, are you t-trying to woo me too, eh?"

H: "Shut the kidding aside. You look like you're about to die any seconds now."

Flo: "Nu-Nuhaha… That may be t-true… *cough!*"

Trying hard as she could to force as smile, she choked on her words, followed by an unbelievable amount of blood coming from her mouth. Damn it. What should I do??

H: "Florensia!!"

Flo: "D-Do not worry… *pant* I… I will live."

But I can't see anything that can serve as an evidence to that.

The once lustrous black hair is now being dyed with grayish white. Her faces is still that of a child but the paler it goes, the more I could no longer tell if she's alive or not. Her usual gleaming red eyes are now being painted with black. If someone told me this is THAT Florensia that I met from the first time, I doubt I could believe them that instant.

H: "Is what currently happening related to what is happening to your body?"

Flo: "Th-That is right… *pant * *pant*"

Just as I thought.

I picked her up, carrying her like a princess and brought her to a nearby luxurious couch. Her face still looked pained and I feel like it's getting worse by the minute.

Flo: "Y-You see… Y-Young'un… This town… This town also serves as the conductor for my power… "

H: "Conductor?"

Flo: "Yes… H-Have you wondered why… *cough* there is a c-canal in this small t-town…?"

H: "Isn't it used to gather water from the forest's lake?"

From what I heard from Ceres, the town harvests the water from the lake and turn it into a consumable one. The mana concentration is thicker in the forest and clings to the water so it isn't safe for human consumption. It should be filtered first and…


H: "So you replenish your power by draining all the mana in the water that came from the forest?"

Flo: "Nuhaha… A-As expected of my f-favorite man… That is right… I am a witch for centuries already. You can even say that I am already dead. *cough* B-but… I am maintaining this body using a spell. But the spell uses a l-lot of… *pant* mana… M-My own mana… and the mana I get… in the air *pant* is not enough… That is why… I cannott… leave this room… "

H: "That's enough. I know enough already."

C: "*pant* *pant*"

This doesn't look good. Her face now contorts into a painful expression. But putting up all the puzzle pieces together, now I understand why she's like this.

I don't have the evidence or proof but, all I know is that time have stopped. I don't know if it's something world-wide or just this town, but the time have stopped for sure. And as a result of that, the water than should be coming from the mana-rich lake is now also stopped along with time. That means, Florensia has no way of collecting mana to maintain her body as it is.

Flo: "Nnn!! *pant* *pant*"

She's even groaning from the pain. Tch…

H: "Florensia…"

Her mana is being depleted. And the supply mechanism that should be giving her the mana that she needs is cut off. Without a proper supply of mana, she could no longer maintain her body. But if the supply is no longer working…

We should just replenish it by other means. Is that right, Ms. Information?


I see, you're still there. Will you tell me how?

<Affirmative. The user can use his own mana to restore the target's mana.>

I can do that?


Then tell me how. A really quick way to transfer it as much as possible. There's no more time.

<Mana easily passes through materials with high conductive properties in this world like metal and liquid. And for humans, it is the skin that is most conductive for mana to go through.>

So I just have to touch her?

<Affirmative. Addition. It would be faster to transfer the mana through a thin layer of skin.>

A mucus membrane, huh.


Got it.

H: "Florensia. Excuse me."

Flo: "Nnn…? Wh-What is it… Y-Young'u- Mmmph…??"

Like a prince during a usual cliché situation in a fairy tale stories, I placed my lips on hers.

Flo: "Mmh…"

Alright. Now I should focus my mana like when I use Mana Burst. I've gotten used to handling mana and how to control its flow inside my body, but this will be the first time that I will use it outside a skill. I don't even know if this would work or not. But there's no point in mulling things over and over so…

Here goes nothing.

Flo: "Mmh!"

Alright. It's the usual feeling of mana flowing inside my body. Just like it is when I use Mana Burst. But this time, the mana flows directly towards my core, then to my mouth, then to my lips.

A faint glow is released from where our lips is connected.

<New Title acquired: Mana Specialist>

<Mana Manipulation skill acquired>

<Mana Transfer skill acquired>

<New Title Acquired: Witch's Prince>

<Mana Drain skill acquired>

<Mana Absorption skill acquired>

<Magic Affinity skill acquired>

<Magic Resistance skill acquired>

<Dastre Affinity skill acquired>

<Dastre Resistance skill acquired>

<Fiara Affinity skill acquired>

<Fiara Resistance skill acquired>

<Status Display Upgrade>

<Mana Points unlocked>

What the… How did I get so many skills at once? Just from transferring mana to Florensia?

After a few seconds of having my lips on hers, along with the feeling of my core being drained, the transfer is complete and now, Florensia's breathing seemed to stabilize completely.

Flo: "Puah… Y-Young'un…"

H: "Phew… That's it, I guess. Looks like you'll be okay now."

Flo: "Ah… Uhm… Aaah…"

Aside from her slightly flushed cheeks, her once pale complexion returned to normal. It's now back to the pinkish and smooth skin. Her hair returned to the shiny and glossy black. I guess she just really needed a good amount of mana replenishment.

But, it's still puzzling. How did I get all those skills just by transferring mana to Florensia?

<Inquiry received. Transferring mana has another prerequisite to be executed. The user's mana should be able to blend with the targets mana for a successful transfer. The user first must receive a small amount of mana from the target, blending it with the user's, and sent it back to the target.>

In other words, I got the skills from Florensia herself?


Awesome… Hm… I wonder if I could get more…

Flo: "Young'un…?"

Nah. Nevermind. Just the thought of kissing her again just for my own gain is something I couldn't stomach.

Flo: "What… What did you just do…?"

H: "I just transferred some of my mana to you. Do you feel fine now?"

Flo: "Fine… You say… I am more than perfect. This is the first time I have felt vigorous ever since I have become the town's mayor and gave up my title as a witch…"

H: "I see. Thank goodness."

Flo: "H-How are you being so perfectly calm…?? You just shared a vast amount of mana to me! A mana that could drain even 3 countries' mana and is still not enough!!"

H: "Ohhh…!!"

Now that's interesting. Does that mean I have an unimaginable amount of mana? I still feel perfectly fine, aside from a slight feel of drowsiness.

Flo: "… Just what in the world are you… Young'un…? You still seem perfectly fine even after transferring that much to me…"

Asking me that, she positioned herself to sit on the couch.

H: "I told you, I'm a chef."

I could only said that as a response. First of all, even I don't know how I got this vast amount of mana. And lastly, I don't want to prolong the conversation any longer, now that I know she's fine. I need to find Ceres as soon as possible.

H: "Let's talk about that some other day. For now I want you to tell me how I could get to the underground labyrinth in this town?"

Flo: "Young'un… You even know about that?"

H: "I just learned about it today. I just played some magic trick on Ceres so I know where she is right now."

Even now I can still feel the light resonance. She's still fine. I hope.

Flo: "I understand. But you must promise me that what will be said here, will only stay here. Do you understand?"

I feel like her demeanor changed from the first time we met and how she usually is. But being in this crucial situation, I think it's no wonder why. This is something that cannot be put aside lightly as some problem. This can mean the jeopardy of this world.

Flo: "So? You asking me for the way to the underground labyrinth means you have already unraveled what is truly happening at the moment, eh young'un?"

H: "That's right."

The Goddess of Disorder.




These are the keywords that I got when Lucia explained to me the objective of that underground organization. They plan to release the seal of the Goddess of Disorder, Tehalia. But other than that, they're actions or the reason of their actions, was and is still unknown. Maybe, it was just their ultimate goal or something.

But just as they have said before, this is something that cannot be looked past at.

Flo: "Those forsaken rats have erected a magic barrier. It also one of the forbidden curse spells, the [Chronosendraf]. The magic scroll that contains it should have been hidden along the cursed items that the Kingdom have been guarding… Why do they have it?"

Florenisa placed her fingers on her chin as she thinks. From her words, it looks mor puzzling WHY do they have it and not HOW did they get it. The worry and irritation is apparent on her face as she grits her teeth while tapping her foot.

H: "That explains things. Everything suddenly stopped after the Telepathy from you was cut. Hm? Why am I not affected then?"

Flo: "That is one of my questions as well, yong'un. The only people who can be immune against such powerful curse spells are: 1. witches, who lived and mastered the way of curse spells. That is, me. 2. The creator. And lastly, the Demon Lord herself. Even a powerful curse resistance spell is nothing against these kinds of spells."

She then looked at me with peering eyes.

Flo: "Young'un… Are you perhaps related to the Demon Lord?"

H: "Huh?"

Me? Related to the Demon Lord? How? Though, I can't outright say that I am not, since the only proof and the perfect one on top of that, is something I cannot tell her.

I'm a human from another world, I was born and grew up there without experiencing any fantasy stuff.

H: "Last time I checked and as far as I know, Florensia, I'm just a human. Even my bracelet terminal says so."

Flo: "Fumu… Now that you mention it. Forgive me, young'un. It seems like I am being riled up by this mess we are in."

H: "No problem."

I stood up from my place and began looking around the room. The room is unchanged aside from the color scheme that is now being painted like a faded crimson. Just earlier, it still looked like a faded black like ash but now…

H: "Ceres…"

Flo: "Young'un. You must find the chef girl as soon as possible and stop their plan."

H: "Yeah. I know. Wait… Aren't you coming?"

I thought the next pattern here would be Florensia coming with me to help.

Flo: "That is what I seriously want to do right now, however… I have to do something about this magic barrier. If left untouched, the town may face certain peril that may turn it into something that cannot be restored."

H: "Hm…"

I see. The time is stopped after all. Who knows what will happen if just a part inside the barried is moving but the rest is not.

H: "Got it. Leave it to me."

Flo: "Umu. Young'un. I leave my precious town to you."

H: "What are you saying? It's just me saving Ceres."

Flo: "… Nuhahahaha! I see, I see. Is that right, eh? You are making me jealous of that chef girl. Well then. Get ready."

H: "Ready? Ready for what?"

Flo: "Teleport."

H: "Huh? Tele-"





H: "Ow… What the?"

I found myself in a strange place after I could even repeat the word Florensia uttered. I fell butt-first and felt the hard concrete that is covered with moist moss all over it.

The grassy smell and the eerie sound of liquid dripping has brought me back to my senses. Looking around, even the walls has small bushes and moss growing out of them.

H: "Are you telling me I was teleported?"

Of course no one answered. It's just something I asked to confirm it myself. Standing up from the cold floor and tapping my pants to remove the dust, I started to look around my surroundings.

I found myself staring at the seemingly unending wide corridor in front of me. It's as wide as two master bedrooms but the length? I can't seem to see the end of it, with only darkness staring back at me. The only light are two small lamps, generated by Glow Stones, hanged on both sides of the wall.

Other than that, it's just a fairly ancient place, made of crumbling gray bricks.

H: "So this is the underground labyrinth, huh?"

It's not like I'm knowledgeable with the place or anything. I didn't even know that there's a hidden labyrinth under the town until I tried to use Mana Detect all over the town when I was searching for Ceres.

And speaking of Ceres, I already know here she is. The problem now is how to hasten my way to where she is. Judging from my magic trick, it seems like she's not moving at her place.

Is she held captive?

H: "Tch."

Then I have to hurry if that's it.

H: "Alright. Let me try some things to hasten the search.


Mana Detect.


Like a radar releasing radio waves, with me as the focal point, everything that has or uses mana in the vicinity is detected by me. I can detect mana from within 50 meters radius in an instant, but for wide search like this, it acts like a radar and I have to wait for the detection to identify its location. But with this, it can even detect as far as two towns the size of Florensia Town.

"I see."

In the same area as Ceres, there's one human like figure and surrounding them are…

What the…

Surrounding them are 2… no… 30 monsters the same size as that Queen Ground Arachnia… What in the world is going on there?

And that's not it. The most terrifying mana there, and probably the one that I've been feeling ever since the magic barrier was erected. Like a hot and cold air, mixing together, which is trying to enter my eyes, ears, nose, and mouth… It's really disturbing. My body is starting to get heavier and heavier like it did earlier.

H: "Tch."

I reinforced my mind and banished the thought. I can't let myself be swallowed by this. Not before I make sure Ceres is safe. And it seems like this will be a hard battle so I need to prepare.

Status Display.

First I need to study my newly acquired skills.


Mana Points: 2,078,638,091/9,999,999,999

Name: Hans Alius Schmidt

Race: Human

Class: None


Contracted One, Black Sheep, Mana Specialist, Witch's Prince


Strength: 1324


Agility: 328


Intelligence: 3996


Defense: 60



<Active Skills>

Mana Detect Lv. 10/10

Crush Strike Lv. 10/10

Beast Soul Activation Lv. 1/1 (Activated)

Mana Burst Lv. 6/10

Telepathy Lv. 1/1

Mana Transfer Lv. 1/10

Mana Drain Lv. 1/10

<Passive Skills>

Status Lv. 1/1

Harden Lv. 8/10

Damage Resistance Lv. 8/10

Beast Soul Link Lv. 1/1

Mana Manipulation Lv. 7/10

Mana Absorption Lv. 1/1

Magic Affinity Lv. 1/10

Magic Resistance Lv. 1/10

Dastre Affinity Lv. 1/10

Dastre Resistance Lv. 1/10

Fiara Affinity Lv. 1/10

Fiara Resistance Lv. 1/10

[Crystal Points: 469]

H: "…"


The numbers grew… in number…

It seems like the Status Display itself was upgraded and some parts of it is a bit different to how it usually is.

Talking about additional settings,

First, the new section that has been added to my Status Display, is the Mana Points. Judging by how magic and other stuff uses mana to be activated, this should be the 'points' or the counter of my remaining mana. From the looks of it, I still have a lot.


Tons of it. I don't know if this is something normal compared to other adventurers. But if I include what Florensia told me earlier that I just shared an amount of mana equal, if not, more than two countries worth of mana. Even a town uses a relatively large amount of mana and is still harvesting more at the forest.

Including the needed mana for the facilities and household necessities, it could sum up way more than a person could ever have. And that's just the case with towns. What Florensia said is countries.


Ugh… I'm getting scared of myself… Then again, just what in the world should I do with this so much mana?

Next are two new Titles. Placing the tip of my finger on the hovering display text…

<Mana Specialist: Have become a master in mana control. User gained +500 Intelligence.>

<Witch's Prince: A Witch was also once a Princess, whose heart is just broken. User gained +500 Strength, +2000 Intelligence.>

Setting aside Mana Specialist since it's something as is, what caught my eyes is the Witch's Prince.

How the heck did I acquire that title? I know the act of transferring of mana that I did earlier… is yeah, can also be considered as a kiss. Yeah, I know. It's something that someone should be considerate about. But my intentions was only to save Florensia and nothing more. Gaining a Title because of that…

I don't know what to feel.

Well… It's not that I hate it or something… But…

I mean…


It's kind of embarrassing!

Being called a prince and such because of an act… Because I kissed Florensia…

H: "Am I that painful of a person…? Kuh…"

But the actual status up is one thing that I can celebrate about. +500 Strength and +2000 Intelligence?? Darn that's so cool. In an instant, I got so powerful. Just thinking about what would happen if I could use magic spells and stuff with this level of Intelligence. And of course, that also includes Mana Burst.

As for the new skills…

The new active skills which I can use willfully are…

<Mana Transfer Lv. 1/10: A skill that can be used to transfer the user's mana to another. It can be to a person, a monster, and/or a non-living thing. The level is equal to the number of targets at once.>

It's like I've been doing it before, but I guess there has to be some prerequisite to acquire the skill per se.

<Mana Drain Lv. 1/10: A skill used to drain the mana of the target. It can be from a person, a monster, and/or a non-living thing. The level is equal to the number of targets at once.>

And for the passive skills that are activated all the time…

<Mana Manipulation Lv. 7/10: Efficiency in manipulating mana inside and outside the user's body. The level is equal to the intricacy of handling mana.>

Hmm… I can do a lot with this. I've been doing it even before I got the skill, maybe that's why it's already level 7.

<Mana Absorption Lv. 1/1: Absorb mana in the surroundings more efficiently.>

I see. So this is the reason why my mana points is speeding up like crazy in recovery. It's recovered almost a fourth of the lost mana that I shared with Florensia.

<Magic Affinity Lv. 1/10: Gain the proper understanding of transforming mana into magic spells. The level is equal the intricacy of using magic spells.>

I CAN NOW USE MAGIC??? Whoa, wait… I don't even know how… Or like, I don't know any spells. Tch… I really need someone to teach me now… Aaahh…! I want to use magic…!

<Magic Resistance Lv. 1/10: Damage received from magic attacks are decreased by 10%>

<Dastre Affinity Lv. 1/10: Gaining the proper understanding of transforming mana into dark element magic spells. Increases damage of Dastre type magic spells by 10%>

Dastre means dark in this world. That means, if I can learn Dastre type magic spells, they'll be much stronger than their usual? Man… That's so cool.

<Dastre Resistance Lv.1/10: Damage received from Dastre type magic attacks are decreased by 10%>

<Fiara Affinity Lv. 1/10: Gaining the proper understanding of transforming mana into fir element magic spells. Increase damage of Fiara type magic spells by 10%>

<Fiara Resistance Lv.1/10: Damage received from Fiara type magic attacs are decreased by 10%>

It also seems like the Beast Soul Activation is activated. Maybe because the time have stopped, the timer also stopped. Well, it's not like it's draining my mana though. Wait… It does. But it just regenerate faster than it is being depleted…

Aha… Ahaha…

Anyways, taking another look at it, I really got a lot of useful skills from Florensia. Well, I don't even know if all of them did really come from her. But for now, I should be grateful since I will really need all of these. I'm looking forward for more skills from now on.

H: "Well then…"

That's it for now. Now that I see a glimpse of the new things on my Status Display, I now know what to do. Is it because of my raised Intelligence? I feel like my mind works a bit faster now. Maybe it has some effect.

I'll just look over the skills once more after this ordeal.

H: "Let's do this…"


I stand straight with my feet parallel to my shoulders. With my arms bent and my hands curled into a fist, I closed my eyes and focused.


If I can control the mana inside my body and release it as some sort of offensive skill like the Mana Burst, then I'm pretty sure I can also make something out of it that can be used as a defensive skill or such. Perhaps a fortifying skill.

Maybe I'm just thinking a bit too much about the possible uses of mana in this world but…

It wouldn't hurt to try, right?

I gathered the mana inside my body at one point in my core, then spread it to all my extremities, making sure they stay there. To my arms, feet, back, chest, and abdomen. I have to be careful to not let it overflow at one point or it may end up like a Mana Burst. If that happens…

The skills will be activated all over my body and…

I'll explode.

Phew… Just the thought of it makes me shiver in distress.

H: "Hmp!"

With a slight push, I contracted muscles all at once, making the glowing light that was appearing all over my body spread, like a mantle donned perfectly.

<Clad Armis skill acquired>

Oh? Another skill! Did that activate something perhaps? I decided to check it out.

<Clad Armis: A skill used to clad one's body with reinforced armor, strengthening both the Strength and Defense of the user by 1000. Time Limit: 30 minutes. 12 hours cool down>

It has a time limit?? Too bad.

Well then, I can't stand idly here now, can I?

My body feels so light. The mana around my body took form, like a gentle aura that envelops my feet, body, and arms. Like a flickering bluish flame that sways with my every movement, and like a cloth made of light, it perfectly fits on my whole body as if to act as an armor.

H: "Let's go, shall we?"

I kicked my feet onto the ground and just like that, the surroundings turned instantly blurred. Not because of my eyes, but because of how fast I was going.

H: "Oho~ With this, I can arrive in less than 30 minutes. Nice."

Just wait for me.

I'll be saving you now.

Because I promised right?




Chapter 26 End


Mana Points: 4,282,176,963/9,999,999,999

Name: Hans Alius Schmidt

Race: Human

Class: None


Contracted One, Black Sheep, Mana Specialist, Witch's Prince


Strength: 2324


Agility: 328


Intelligence: 3996


Defense: 1060



<Active Skills>

Mana Detect Lv. 10/10

Crush Strike Lv. 10/10

Beast Soul Activation Lv. 1/1 (Activated)

Mana Burst Lv. 6/10

Telepathy Lv. 1/1

Mana Transfer Lv. 1/10

Mana Drain Lv. 1/10

Clad Armis Lv. 1/5 (Activated)

<Passive Skills>

Status Lv. 1/1

Harden Lv. 8/10

Damage Resistance Lv. 8/10

Beast Soul Link Lv. 1/1

Mana Manipulation Lv. 7/10

Mana Absorption Lv. 1/1

Magic Affinity Lv. 1/10

Magic Resistance Lv. 1/10

Dastre Affinity Lv. 1/10

Dastre Resistance Lv. 1/10

Fiara Affinity Lv. 1/10

Fiara Resistance Lv. 1/10

[Crystal Points: 469]

[Name]: Hans Alius Schmidt

[Class]: None

[Sex]: Male

[Level]: 52

[Race]: Human

[Rank]: F


Black Sheep


[Active Skill]

<Telepathy Lv. 1/1>

[Passive Skills]



[Party Members/Raid Members]


Phew! Monday has finally come! o(≧∇≦o) I feel like one week is too long now. So because of that, I will now be publishing 2 chapters a week. Once every Monday and Thursday. Please look forward to them! (≧ω≦)ゞ

Well, I can go to for another mile and publish thrice if the readers want to.

I will have to do my best then. (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

Well then! For the next chapter! There will be a bit of action!

Though I'm not that confident... Please look forward to it! (o´ω`o)ノ

Gomi_Sakkacreators' thoughts
Next chapter