
Jace's Tragic Past 2

As the shining red eyes slowly drew closer he felt his heart beat faster as a terrifying monster emerged from the wall of black smoke. Once the monster had fully emerged he felt his body go numb as he gazed into the bloodthirsty red eyes of a nightmarish pitch black wolf as tall as he was, that had two rows of sharp obsidian fangs and big paws with jagged obsidian claws, shrouded with clouds of flowing black smoke.

Taking only a moment to examine him, the pitch black wolf suddenly dashed towards him with a low guttural growl. Seeing the pitch black wolf charging towards him, Jace struggled free of the chains of fear which bound him and managed to barely dodge the pitch black wolfs sharp fangs with a haphazard dive. Quickly climbing to his feet, he regained his stance and focus on the pitch black wolfs joints.

As the pitch black wolf began to charge at him yet again he noticed the telltale signs and determined the pitch black wolfs trajectory. Diving head first towards the charging wolf, he rolled like a ball then rose in a kneeling stance next to the pitch black wolf and quickly stabbed out with the firmly gripped dagger in his hand. As the blade sank into the underside of the charging monster it burst like a popped balloon into a cloud of black smoke which quickly faded away.

Still on the edge, Jace's eyes darted fearfully around as he searched for whatever may come next. Then all of a sudden he heard a familiar growl as a pair of shining red eyes once again appeared inside the wall of black smoke, this time followed by an additional two pairs on both of its sides. As the three pitch black wolfs emerged from the wall of black smoke Jace's hands momentarily trembled in fear before going still as he thought of his sister.

Straightening his back he quickly fixed his stance and then gestured towards the three fearsome monsters beckoningly. Answering his challenge, they simultaneously charged at him with a malicious snarl, baring their merciless fangs as they neared him. Immediately he tossed his dagger unerringly directly ahead into the gaping maw of middle one then followed its flight with a dash. As the dagger struck true the pitch black wolf bursts into black smoke which he ran thru narrowly avoiding the other two pitch black wolves.

Leaping headfirst forward, he landed on his hands and grabbed the knife before flipping again to his feet. Spinning around he leapt towards the rightmost wolf and plunged the blade into the side of its head. As it bursts apart into a cloud of black smoke he continued his daggers course, quickly stabbing into the neck of the second pitch black wolf.

As the third wolf disintegrated the light above the Blood Pit abruptly went out and he was plunged into a world of darkness. Then a pair glowing red eyes appeared, followed by two more, then two more until Jace was completely surrounded by hundreds of pairs of smoldering fire red eyes.

Slowly the sea of bloodthirsty eyes began to move around him clockwise, moving faster and faster, causing the light of their eyes to form a red ring of light until suddenly the light orb above his ahead flashed brightly like a noon day sun illuminating the entire pit for 3 seconds before going out once again.

Covering his eyes in pain from the sudden brightness, his eyelids rapidly blinked as tears quickly leaked soothing the painful burn. Roughly a minute passed before the light flashed again lasting the same 3 seconds before going out. This time he squinted his eye almost closed until the Blood Pit was filled with light, then he slightly opened them before squinting once the light went out.

As the pit was illuminated for a third time he barely discerned the hundreds of pitch black wolves circling him inside the wall of black smoke before the pit was once more plunged into darkness. A minute later as the fourth flash occurred a pitch black wolf suddenly leapt out of the wall of black smoke charging towards him with a bloodthirsty growl. Instead of holding his position he quickly charged towards the wolf and lashed out with his dagger, barely managing to land his attack as the light overhead went out.

Breathing heavily, Jace's heart beat faster as his squinted eyes darted frantically around, searching the darkness for the slightest sign of attack. From this point on every time the light overhead flashed a pitch black wolf would emerge from the wall of black smoke and charge towards Jace and every time he would barely manage to kill the pitch black wolf before the light went out.

As the hundredth pitch black wolf burst into a cloud of black smoke the orb of light over head changed its pattern again shortening the duration of light from 3 seconds to 2. Furthermore as the light flashed again he despairingly discovered that two pitch black wolves instead of the one he had grown accustomed to emerged from the wall of black smoke.

"DAMMIT!" he cursed aloud, after fighting continuously for over an hour his body had grown tired, now facing this new challenge he felt his will momentarily falter before growing even firmer as he thought of his sister.

Gritting his teeth, he shouted inside himself with all his heart, "I WILL NEVER GIVE UP!" refusing to surrender to the overwhelming hopelessness of his current deadly situation. With a shout he charged at the two pitch black wolves, stabbing one in the neck while he kicked the other in the throat just as the pit went dark.

And so he continued to struggle on, barely managing to kill both of the wolves that emerged each round. Yet without being able to rest in this highly stressful situation where the slightest mistake would lead to a painful death slowly took its toll on Jace, by the tenth pair of wolves he had several bleeding cuts all over his body and was covered in a thick layer of sweat.

Yet the flame of his will to survive burned brighter and brighter, for the closer he came to death, the more he felt his innate abilities being drawn out. By the thirtieth pair his chest heaved heavily while a mixture of his own sweat and blood covered his entire body. By the fortieth pair his arms and legs ached incessantly while his hands trembled.

On the Fiftieth pair his entire body felt like it was being crushed by a mountain, and even the smallest of his fingers weighed a thousand pounds, yet his will was like an unquenchable blazing sun. Thru sheer willpower alone he forced his tired body to move towards the two pitch black wolves, to swing his leaden arms and finally stab with his blade for the kill.

As the pair of pitch black wolves disintegrated with a mournful yelp the orb above Jace's head surprisingly continued to emit light. Refusing to collapse on the ground despite being completely exhausted, Jace remained standing on his two feet, gasping heavily while he forced himself to remain conscious for there still was several pairs of smoldering red eyes circling him within the wall of black smoke.

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