
Secret Zone Rabbit Kingdom

Opening his eyes as he lowered the hand he had raised to shield Carl's eyes, he discovered they had arrived in a magical small wooded clearing, that had a paved cobblestone circular area, which branched off into a winding path that led off into the distance.

Based on the magical ambience of the clearing, all signs clearly indicated that this must be the wondrous paradise for rabbits monsters Carl had spoken of, the Rabbit Kingdom.


[System Notification: You have entered the Secret Zone "Rabbit Kingdom" Time Dilation: 10:1]

Rubbing his drowsy eyes still somewhat dazed by traveling thru the natural formation, (especially the blurriness) Carl drunkenly stood and looked around.

"Is it over,..a..are we there?"

Smiling with a nodded Salvatore replied happily.

"Yes Carl, I do believe we are."

Hearing Salvatore's reply, Carl shook his head dispelling the last of his drowsiness then examined his surroundings closely, excitedly exclaiming, "Yes, this is indeed the rabbit kingdom big bro!"

Assuming a noble pose atop Salvatore's hand, Carl pointed directly ahead and boldly commanded, "Onward, to Carrot Keep big bro...please!"

Heading forward, Salvatore walked along the path which based on its size was clearly intended for the 3 foot tall Red Berry Rabbits he had encountered in the Valley, quickly traversing the cobblestone path.

Emerging from the forested area, Salvatore beheld the natural beauty of the Rabbit Kingdom, which appeared to span over roughly 5 square miles, clearly indicating it was much bigger on the inside. There were large fields of farmland were various delicious crops had been planted.

These field were dotted with various upright Red Berry Rabbit monsters, hopping around on their big hind legs who seemed to be the farmers and a few other blue colored rabbit monsters. Unlike the monsters he had encountered in the Valley, they were all wearing white, knee length robes tightly cinched at the waist.

The majority of the crops appeared to be various types of berry bushes which had been carefully tended while in the distance he could see a few fields planted with what looked like a cotton type plant. Each of the farmer rabbits had a large basket on their back and were carefully picking berries which they skillfully tossed into their baskets with practiced ease.

The rare blue rabbits which his [god sight] revealed were Blueberry Rabbits all had a familiar tiny Blueberry gem on their head between their ears. They each had a large barrel on their back with a long hose attached to the bottom.

Placing the end of the hose in their mouth, they would deeply inhale causing their cheeks to obscenely bulge, as they filled their mouth with water to the limit, causing both of their checks to look like two large furry water balloons.

After a few seconds their swollen cheeks began to glow with a gentle blue light. Sensing this change they would tenderly spray the water out as a fine glowing mist, which would cover several tens of feet of the fields crops, causing the plants to glow with a bright vigorous luster of vivacity. This was the effect of the unique skill [Healing Spray] exclusively possessed by the Blueberry Rabbits.

Each field had a large barn at the end which had several pull carts in front loaded with berry baskets, and was pulled by a team of two Red Berry Rabbits.

They would bring the filled baskets to the barn were they would be offloaded and then return with empty baskets back to the farmer Red Berry Rabbits out in the fields. These large barns were truly unique since they appeared to have been grown instead of built.

Although they had the exact shape of a built structure, closer examination revealed they had definitely been grown like a tree into a specific shape of a large barn complete with fully functioning working doors and paned windows with glass.

In fact, they were so detailed that they were even painted a bright red color with a white trim. The only defining feature that exposed their grown nature was the fact that if closely examine the walls were in fact bark-like.

Walking along the cobblestone path, which had widen upon leaving the wooded area into a large main road, leading directly into the heart of the Rabbit Kingdom, Salvatore light golden eyes darted around lightning fast as he examined the various things and natures of the inhabitants of the Rabbit Kingdom, as well as examined the various statuses of the inhabitant.

With his [god sight] all secrets the rabbit monsters had were fully disclosed, and he had to admit that the rabbits here were a lot stronger than the ones in the Valley, averaging between levels 6-8 and had raised all of their Skills to at least level 5.

The unique thing however was how he found that the majority of the rabbit monsters who lived here had multiple spouses. This trait was not singular to a specific gender but was unilateral for most since it appeared the social norm of the Rabbit Kingdom.

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