
The Clash of team 9

Keisan was the only who had reservations about this task it seemed. Ren had already uprooted a nearby tree and threw it at the former raikage like a spear, or rather he would have. Before he could even finish winding his arm back behind his head Myoushu had appeared on top of the tree turned projectile. The sound of sword being unsheathed rang through the air and Ren was left hold stump with broken roots attached messily. Before the rest of the tree could even hit the ground she was right in front of Ren launching him by his collar. Myoushu now stood alone where Ren once stood, as Ten was taking a rough flight straight through a few trees and to the other side of the clearing.

The next to take action was Aiki. "Give me some cover Taku." She said to the giant falcon she was riding. As she withdrew a scroll, Taku had given a mighty flap with his wings. A ferocious gale originating from Taku's wings filled the arena thanks to his "Wind Style•Great Wind Breakthrough" technique. This wind was far from a fatal attack but might be strong enough to cause an unprepared genin to get knocked back. Against Myoushu it'd stir up a nice breeze, but this wasn't meant to be an attack. The fierce winds kicked up endless amounts of if dust obscuring the visibility of this battle field. With the stage set Aiki summoned a scythe that was no shorter than she was and jumped from the falcon. "You know what to do." After her final glance at her falcon Aiki began weaving handseals. As she landed a violent shockwave went through the ground with Aiki being the epicenter. The instant quake would be enough to catch newer chunin off guard. Jabbing towards the shadow that should have been her instructor with the non bladed end of her scythe, She was disappointed to find herself assaulting a pile of sand. Having realized that her attack had failed, Aiki attempted to pole vault herself to Taku using her scythe. However the second she had put her weight on the scythe it had began sinking in the earth. Aiki now found her right arm submerged in solid rock along with scythe. Even though she was an earth style user herself Aiki couldn't free herself without making handseals.

Ren was in the corner he'd been thrown to collecting himself. Keisan had been frantically trying to recall anything on his character sheet that could help him here. At a loss Keisan just panicked and used way he had. After a string of handseals he withdrew a hand full of powder from the first container in his kimono. The familiar warmth that had spread through his body started culminating in the powder filled hand. The powder filled four bullet sized wind pellets and was launched at Myoushu. Of course this didn't catch her off guard, as one of the most powerful shinobi in Kumogakure she just laughed and swatted them playfully with her katana. Even the poison clouds that had formed as a result of the pellets dispersing had no effect, Myoushu had left the proximity of the poison almost immediately after deflecting the bullets. Keisan launched himself a good 30 feet in the air thanks to his Wind skates that were still active. As long as Myoushu-sama was moving and targeting him all he could do was pray he could keep a distance. That thought was interrupted by a strange presence he was feeling. He hadn't even turned around completely when he saw a foot closing in on his face. There wasn't time to react he could only brace himself as he was kicked directly towards Ren who was attempting to rejoin the fight. The two collided with great force and both flew to ground. This time the impact had caused craters to form.

All Keisan could feel was pain and an overwhelming desire not to be here anymore. He felt like he took a baseball bat to the face. I thought I was supposed to gain a tougher "physic" in a new world making everything hurt less. The truth however it his body itself was tougher, (He would have defiantly died from all that in his last life) he still felt everything. The good news is this brief dose of reality woke up the inner role player in him. We could do this all day and get nowhere, the point was to coordinate to make the impossible possible. As every nerve in his body screamed in agony Keisan forced himself to his feet. Luckily Keisan was familiar with his two should be first time partners and teacher and could use that to his advantage. Unfortunately he also was aware he had no way to free Aiki which made his role in this the distraction. Of all the f!ck!ng luck! Having no choice but to continue Keisan made 4 wind clones, the actual actions and feelings were just a blur to the pain stricken Keisan. Before kicking off towards Myoushu Keisan turned to Ren, "Hey He-Man you think you could free Aiki?" "What's a He-Man?" a puzzled Ren replied. Keisan gnashed his teeth a bit before answering, "Never mind just get Aiki and work together to attack Myoushu-Sama while I keep her distracted." Without waiting for a response Five Keisans launched themselves towards their slightly crazed looking instructor.

Age old dilemma, how to format? Well my motto is when in doubt ask the fans. The one think i will not be doing is having the characters literally call out each technique, but beyond that i don't know. So let me know in the comments if you want me to add in the technique names in parentheses like stage directions, or just go with describing the action and leave technique names a mystery until they've been revealed by some characters insight ect.

SageKokocreators' thoughts
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