
Prison Break

[A/N: According to the vote, we changed the name of the Novel from SBTTI Skyrim: But That's Too Immersive to SDW Skyrim: Dragonborn Within. I hope we didn't make the wrong decision.]


As I started thinking of tonight's operation, my mood returned to the way it should be.

As I returned to the group of the college after saying hey to Skadi and the newly appeared uncle, Njord.

Svadall, one the other three male members of the college's team started chatting nonstop with me, this guy is too friendly as it seemed.

After walking to the end of the docks we arrived at a beautiful ship.

How can a ship be beautiful you ask? Well, I don't know, it just looked very beautiful to me. It was how a ship was supposed to look like, not whatever that sorry excuse of a ship that appeared in the game.

These ships were the same models from 'DK's Realistic and Lore-Friendly Nord Ships' mod, something you can just only look at and admire.

The Nordic ships have their unique appearance as Nords were the best-known sailors in this world, their ships resembled the Viking longboats from my past world with the dragon figurehead that made them stand out.

They were also vast and has a very close structure to the ships from the Georgian Era, yet their theme was Nordic.

The ship in front of me was called the 'Icicle', it has a glowing white sail that stood out with the insignia of the college drawn on it.

I boarded the ship and got a good cabin under the deck, it has a bed, some simple furniture and my chest that was delivered here, it would be my room for the next few days.

I made sure everything in place and went back to the docks, the ship will sail at first light so I had a lot of time.

I headed to the East Empire Company office and made sure that Gulum-Ei is in his place and was busy.

The same could be said for Micalo the barber after checking the bathhouse.

I guess I should move now.

I headed towards the docks again yet I passed it and passed the bridge. I could detect one around the area except for some weird looking owl, I went to the place I dug at the end of the sewer tunnel.

I hid that place with bushes and it seemed it was as it is.

Now let's head into Solitude.


As I was walking through the sewer, I cast 'Candlelight' spell and walked according to my map.

I also started thinking for the last time about my plan, as I sneak, I mostly rely on the protection of the 'Shadow Stone'.

The 'Shadow Stone' is one of the 13 standing stones Skyrim, they give their protection to the ones born under their starts.

I was raised in the orphanage so I didn't know which stars I was born under, in another meaning, I was a sad soul who doesn't have a birthday.

Yet I gained the protection of the 'Shadow Stone'. It was a desperate try yet my luck was amazing, the 'Shadow Stone' is very close to Riften and as one of thirteen stones, I guess I was lucky.

This also meant I was born under the stars of the Shadow, which also meant I was born in the month of 'Second Seed' (May).

Brynjolf who took me to the stone that day was very glad I was born under the Shadow, he told me it is one of the best stars for both thieves and assassins.

According to the mod 'Andromeda' that altered the effects of the 'Standing Stones' in Skyrim, the 'Shadow Stone' gives two powers; the first was 'Blur' which adds 20% speed to the in combat and it was a power which I used and abused this power a lot, the second was 'Hide in Shadows' which makes sneaking much easier under the shade or in darkness.

It didn't end just here, there is another power called 'Shadow Step', it allows the one under the Shadow's protection to rush silently at a target within 75 feet without being detected, this power, however, is obtainable after a certain quest.

What woke me from my deep thinking was the smell of the sewers that stink, as usual, I was in hurry to go back to the city and open a sewer manhole in the place I marked on my map.

As I got there, the city looked quieter than the time I left, this was the middle of the night after all, and by the position of the moon, one hour was left until dawn.

I was under my black cloak and thankfully, no one would mind my appearance anyway, there were others like me as usual.

As I got closer to Castle Dour's side entrance, I had to walk quietly now, I got away from any light source and started sneaking to the empty marketplace.

My target was the window, I had prepared a flask of a highly flammable and violent incendiary bomb and started aiming it at a certain window in the castle.

Suddenly, the side door of the castle opened, I was afraid to get spotted so I hid behind a barrel.

I tried to sneak a peek and see who was coming out of the castle this late.

I couldn't believe what my eyes saw!

Those were Skadi and Njord speaking with Captain Aldis at the gate! What are they doing here?

I could barely calm my heart and breath to return to my sneaking mode again.

Time passed slowly and they finally got away, I could feel some eyes prying on me though, it was that annoying owl from before standing on some roof above me.

I couldn't afford to alert anyone so I kept myself hidden until I could notice no Magicka reaction with my 'Detect Magicka' spell.

Now, if we excluded that owl, I am totally alone.

I prepared the flask again and aimed it to the window, then I used a good amount of power to throw it, it landed in perfectly.

The fire grew quickly and some bomb sounds stated so sounding from the castle, the plan is going just perfect.

Now, let's run back to the sewer, time is running out.


Back to the sewer, I headed directly to the tunnel under the castle, the smell of smoke finally came from it, this meant all bomb flasks had made their effect.

Yet that assassin girl was not yet out, dammit! I can go bring her just fine.

Taking the corridor to the prison I could hear the sound of people coughing loudly, they won't die, as long as the fire doesn't catch them.

Some people were shouting about the fire and running everywhere as I could feel them behind the wall, these were the guards I guess.

Moving on to the girl's cell, I could feel her presence, she was not moving though.

This damn girl knew what time she had to break the wall in yet she was just lying there? Why am I risking my ass for right now huh?

I had to remove the bricks to check on her quietly myself, I could see her lying in the dark. Was she sleeping now of all times?

As I removed them brick by brick the fire started to extend and illuminate the room….but,

This? Why did this happen?

Who did that to her?

I told them not to torture her but this? This was a bit unneeded.

She is breathing! She looked like a bloody rag but she was still breathing and mumbling something.

Dammit! I have to hurry, I must not be seen while I take her out!

My hands worked like lightning and I could reopen the hole in the wall quickly and entered the cell.

"Hey! Hey! Do you hear me?" I whispered to the girl who opened her right eye widely, the left was blinded a long time ago and was already swollen from torture now.

"Please..." That was all she said.

She was in no shape to move, I can carry her slowly on my back and move her through the hole.

I closed the hole faster than I opened it and carried the girl on my back then ran to the corridor again.

From it to the sewers, I now could cast 'Candlelight' to see how much the girl was hurt.

This was bad! Really bad!

I brought some potions just in case but this was hard to control now.

"Kill me…" She mumbled.

I can only ignore her now.

"Th, the, the man…" She was still mumbling but I was not in the right mood to listen to her, "He made me *cough* made me talk."

"I don't care now, just drink this." I brought a watered stamina potion to her mouth and sipped it slowly.

I cast 'Healing Hands' one her, she was responding to the treatment as her breathing started to be faster.

After that, I poured a health potion on her wounds, this was effective but a bit painful, it supported the spell I was casting.

Turning to my bag I took out your most plain 'Black Robe' from the games with some shoes and a hood scarf, she was not moving anytime soon so I was going to do the dressing.

Bounding a dagger with magic, I started cutting the rags on her, surprisingly, she hid the journal of hers into her clothes so I stored it away. Anyway, she was stark naked right now but who cares, I could use these rags as bandages and dressed her in the clothes I brought up.

The girl started to look healthier than before, and as I helped her up, she stood to lean on me.

"Please kill me!" She said, "I told them everything I know."

"What exactly did you tell?" I asked while taking her from this place.

"I told them everything..." And she started speaking about what happened.

Apparently, Njord and Skadi were just giving her a visit.

Njord made her talk about everything she knew, from who ordered the hit on me and everything else, she didn't know much about the core members in the brotherhood so she told him about the hideout in Solitude.

This girl was now considered a traitor to the brotherhood and in their creed, she must be killed.

I don't care about any of that now.

I could reach the end of the tunnel and carried the girl on my back and ran to the ship.

Yet seriously now, how many owls in this night must I deal with, this is so unlucky dammit.

[A/N: Owls are a sign of bad omen to most Egyptians.]


Away from Jon who was carrying Mabia and running to the docks, Njord and Skadi were running back to see why was there fire in the castle.

Captain Aldis went out and told them that there were fire and the assassin girl escaped, they didn't appear to care and left him with thanks.

"Hehe! So we were here earlier than them, let them take her, unless they have a healer, that girl is as good as dead." Njord was smiling.

"To assault our dear little nephew, I was going to kill her the minute I saw her ugly face." Skadi was speaking like a beast too, not showing her motherly side at all.

"But to think it was the Black-Briars, these people are really tired of living." Njord said, "I'll see how will they deal with it this time."

While the two beast-like brother and sister were talking to each other another figure appeared.

"You two are up to no good again." A tall and thin man with a hood on his head and a bow on his back came out of the shadow, he had the same red hair and blue eyes like the siblings.

"Forseti! So you came out of the ship." Skadi looked at the man and spoke to him.

"I was bored and Jax saw something going on so he came and whispered to me." As Forseti said that, an owl flew and landed on his shoulder.

"Oh! Let us hear it, brother." Njord who was in a good mood asked with interest.

Forseti approached and the light fell on his face, he was much more handsome than his brother Njord.

"It appears we have a naughty naughty nephew!"


[A/N: According to the vote, we changed the name of the Novel from SBTTI Skyrim: But That's Too Immersive to SDW Skyrim: Dragonborn Within. I hope we didn't make the wrong decision.]

Now your VOTE will decide the bonus chaps

Our weekly posting will be 7 per week + bonus decided by rank

1st place: 6 b.chap/week

3rd place: 5 b.chp/week

5th place: 4 b.chap/week

10th place: 3 b.chap/week

15th place: 2 b.chap/week

20th place: 1 b.chap/week


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