
The Underwater Temple

There was no way Rahz and the others were going to lose the opportunity Riddick gave them by slowing down the Megalodon and they quickly used every movement detrimental spell they had, Chaos Chains, Ice Winds and even Brambles from Remulos landed on the creature stopping it from gaining momentum again.

Rahz was like an ant in front of an Elephant but the disparity was only on its size, Chaos Burst X8 followed by Blade Extension plus a quick Devastating Blow.


Rahz swung the giant axe but he didn't go for the body of the Shark and instead used everything in his arsenal to cut at the base of the tail removing the Caudal Fin and preventing the Megalodon from building any sort of momentum.


The Megalodon screamed but before he broke away from the chains that were binding him, two spells came from Elune almost sealing its fate, Deteriorate send spirits inside the body of the beast decreasing its ability to control its body, follow by and empowered Putrefy spell that attacked the wound created by Rahz.

The muscle started to rot in real time while the amazing vitality of the 60 ft shark fought against the disease trying to invade his body.


Riddick roared in angered,in his mind he lost the confrontation against the Megalodon seconds before and in order to retaliate he expanded the pole arm and impaled the struggling creature before using Chaos Eruption through the Polearm destroying the insides of the beast and shattering the main bone that ran all the way through.

The laser like column that was released from the polearm passed through the Shark and when all the way up through the surface of the water and into the sky.

Riddick took the polearm out and immediately attack the Megalodon's eye in a very practice manner reaching the brain before he moved the weapon cutting the frontal lobe.


The Polearm was then removed and Blood spurt out of the Shark's eye while pieces of rotten meat felt from the back but even with so many injuries it still broke out of the chains and swam forward a mile before floating belly up until the waves sent it to the shore.

The remaining Sharks retreated further into the sea and disappeared from the line of sight of Rahz and the others which started gathering the corpses of the huge creatures before heading back to the village as a present. The Sharks were of pretty big size and if the meat was cure properly it could last them for quite a while, the meat itself was a nice source of energy and many of the children lucky enough to eat it would find their levels increasing drastically.

Rahz and the others took a break from all the killing done during the day and set up a little camp where they could BBQ and enjoy the sky. The team ate like kings and without realising it Rahz and Xiao felt that their Energy was moving towards the next level even from the meat taken from the lowest level Shark.

The meat was surprisingly delicious as well and there was something very familiar about the energy, but they couldn't place their finger on it.

The next day, the team cleaned any abnormal sea creatures a distance of 50 miles from the shore and the day after next they went all the way to the 100 mile mark, very soon the tribe had more meat that they could eat for years to come.

Rahz didn't want to head too far out into the sea in order to create less problems for Riddick that could only walk on the ocean floor. They decided instead to clean a distance of 50 miles to the left reaching the cliffs on that side and 50 miles to the right just to make sure there were no problems for the village after the team left towards the ogre tribe to settle old accounts.

Riddick was actually having fun exploring the oceanic floor while the team did the heavy work of killing, the trinkets he found kept him entertained and there was something new to be discovered everyday. Everything was new for the Val'gun that love to see how far he could travelled in one jump and found himself dropping to deeper and deeper giving him the feeling he was jumping giant cliffs.

The water pressure was uncomfortable but nothing to worry about so far, Riddick had been on a hot streak and already had a silver coin, a weird looking flask, and a piece of gear that still shone an aura from an ancient period when he saw the motherload, the debris of a ship wreckage laid in front of him.

"Brother! I found something, come quick."

Remulos quickly swam in Riddicks direction and recast Water Breathing on his master and arrived just in time to see a pair of murky eyes that quickly left its hiding and started swimming frantically.

A chase! WOOHOO best trip ever

Riddick followed the eyes without any inhibitions while Remulos hurry to keep up with the pace and left light spheres floating in the water as bread crumbs for the other members of the group.

The deeper they went, the less light from the sun went through and this reduced the ability of any individual to see ahead so the light sphere's were incredibly important.

The murky yellow eyes belong to a giant octopus that took off without even trying to fight them in the direction of the cliffs on the left side at a very fast speed.

Riddick lick his lips and followed closely after his prey with giant leaps for nearly 5 minutes until he saw it disappeared behind a piece of stone that was about 20 ft tall. Riddick immediately jump on top of the stone to look at the other side but what he saw made him jump backwards, it was the Giant Claw of a Chinese dragon that was really close to his face about to strike him down.

The Distress was felt by Remulos that sped up towards his master and stop right beside Riddick that was sitting on the stone in his human form. The claw was part of a massive stone statue of a chinese dragon and when they look around, the stone they were sitting on was the head of the sea dragon that had fallen to the ground.

Behind the statue of the dragon stood the entrance to a temple that seen to be carve in the face of a glacier and had a couple of decorations in the shape of items and there were four of them, one was a weapon in the shape of a Scythe, the second was a bead necklaces with 9 beads, a mask with a flame motif and finally a gourd.

Riddick stood in front of the entrance looking at the carvings, when the rest of the group arrived and started surveying the statue.

"Sister!" said Xiao.


"She is one of the Celestial Beast created by the Spirit of the Realm but I don't feel her presence" Xiao communicated through their soul connection with Rahz and took off towards the inside without waiting for the team.


Xiao walked through the door and into a hallway big enough to accommodate the sea dragon from the statue. Inside, there were creatures about 10ft tall that had tentacles as arms but displayed Humanoid Characteristics with murky eyes and a dark ink circulated around them like an aura.

They were third tier Krakens and were the evolved form of the Giant Octopus that the team had been fighting in the opened sea. A Kraken could be considered the progenitors of the octopus in other words their ancestors and there was always a possibility of a Giant Octopus becoming one but increasing their level was not enough, it was also necessary to purify their bloodline.

The fact that there were Kraken in the hallway could easily be explained by who the owner of the temple was, Demons used the blood of higher level demons to promote their own bloodline but in the case of the celestial beast, the pure energy from the Spirit of the Realm that was available to them would strengthen the bloodline of the sea creatures that live close by.

The moment that Xiao's Sister broke out of the temple and the magical screen was released all the mutated creatures that had been inside the magical screen smelled freedom and left for the open sea.

Xiao didn't want to take long with the small fry and attack with extreme force becoming 2 electric tigers that rushed towards the Krakens, the water became a conductor for the attack increasing its range.


The light went out and all that was left from the two sentinels were two burned bodies. Xiao kept running along and finally arrived at a huge set of doors made out of stone that were already wide open, in a frantic state he passed through them and could immediately feel a weaken magical screen that kept some of the water out but now it was failing and the whole room had a water level of about 5 ft from the ground. The doors opened up into a cave like rock that in turn open into a big room and a Levanthus (Kraken with purer Bloodline) close to the Fourth Tier stood in the middle, while unintelligible sounds came out of the mouth of a young octopus with murky yellow eyes.

sup guys/girls .

Thank you for reading.

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