
Chapter 6 Return

"Very well I shall do it, the spell of resurrection is you willing to pay the cost Jack", "Do what you must Aaron"

Steller mansion secret passage

"Damn it no, this all of this I blame you if only you had never..." Said Jack as tears went down his cheek. "Blame me for you both falling into my final resting place and bringing that psycho down here" replied Jacky in his sarcastic tone as Jack tried to control his grief and anger. "Listen here it's not all over yet that girl you can still save her you just need to do as I say. For now, we need to get out of here when this place was first built I had an entrance and exit to allow people in here, it is hidden from normal eyes but fortunately I know the way out." Said Jacky as he tried to get back onto an important topic, "Wait you mean we can bring her back to life" replied Jack as a sign of Joy overcame him. "Yes, boy there is just listen to me this time" replied Jacky as he took a deep breath. "Ha, useless all of this you're doing" said a dying voice, both of them turned it was Selina even though she was cut in half it seemed that she still had some life left in her. "Even if you can get out of here my men have will have already have done their work above all the servants all the others living in this house there probably dead" said Selina as she took her last breath. Jack clenched his fist angered by her words as if they were poison to him however he knew now was not the time to be angered he grabbed Ava and started following Jack to the exit.

As the both of them approached the secret stairs Jack noticed something. "Crap the blades where are they!!" Screamed Jack as he frantically started searching for them. "Look at your arms" replied Jacky. Jack looked down at his arms noticing he had 2 gauntlets, "When not in use the weapon will retract itself into a piece of armor suited for the user, in my case it was a helmet whenever you want to summon the weapon again just think and it shall happen". Jack was confused about how all this even worked but at this point is was just easier for him to nod and continue. The both of them went up what seemed like an endless cataclysm of stairs, finally both of them returned to the ground floor of the mansion only to find the whole thing was burned down and filled with dead corpses. Jack started looking around "Theo and Jonathan they aren't here could they still be alive" as he tried to relieve himself of the cruel reality around him. "Well let's not rule out the possibility of them being alive for now, anyways without Jonathan things are going to be tough by any chance can you drive one of those fancy automobiles over there?" Jacky asked Jack as he tried to get a further grasp of the situation. "Fortunately, I can so where do we head off too?" Jack replied as he got into and started up his sports car. "We need to get to Quadrant 19 in sector 5 on the Amalious region, so basically in modern tongue we need get to the Mcdonalds in London that has a 'perfectionist hobo' in front of it and before you ask in know this much about modern life because when I met you earlier my powers reacted allowing me to learn of modern life it's complicated so let's just get a move on." Jacky replied as he tried to make himself look like some kind of genius. Jack just about done with his life just took a breath got Ava's body and Jacky in the car and set off.

They had been travelling for about 2 hours now, both of them were tired out but fortunately for them they had finally reached their destination however there was a complication. When they arrived, they looked at the restaurant only to see dozens of homeless people in it jack sighed and facepalmed as he pretty much gave up hope suddenly Jacky came up with an idea "Worry not there is a way to draw him out all you have to do is say pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis I know it sounds weird but it works also when the comes up make sure his name is Aaron." Said Jacky as he tried to encourage Jack. Jack got out, suddenly out of nowhere the cat that scared Jack and Theo earlier sat down next to Jacky as they both watched the depressed boy say what he had to as Jacky looked at the cat and said "Teenagers am I right" as he chuckled. Jack approached the car and asked in a sulky "is this the guy?" "Yes, so Aaron how you been? By any chance could you help us with some resurrection?" Jacky asked Aaron as Aaron gave Jacky an evil look. "For now, we should seclude ourselves to a place much safer before we take any action you their boy give me the keys I'm driving" replied Aaron as he took the keys and took charge. Jack grabbed Jacky and decided to close his box's lid and put him in the glove compartment and simply said "This is for all the effort you made me put and for everything happened today". All of then set of for Aaron's place and arrived at a forest Jack grabbed Ava as Aaron led all of them to an underground bunker in the forest. There Jacky brought Aaron up to speed on what was happening and what they needed him to do.

"I see well normally the task you require would ordinarily be done in a heartbeat by an immortal like but there is a complication with my power right now" said Aaron as he was trying to get his own grasp of this situation. " Let me guess your power still hasn't fully recovered from those last few battles and having to take care of the few stragglers left isn't helping it recover" Jacky said as he tried to shed some light on the situation. "So, does that mean you can't resurrect Ava?" Asked Jack as inside he started breaking down slowly. " I didn't mean I can't but for me to be able to do it I will have to take away 5 years of life from a mortal being to return her remaining years" replied Aaron as he took on a serious tone. Jack simply nodded indicating he was willing to do this. "Very well I shall do it, the spell of resurrection is you willing to pay the cost Jack", "Do what you must Aaron but don't tell her I gave years of my life to save her" replied Jack as he got ready. Suddenly a great light burst out from Aaron "Grab her hand and I'll do the rest" yelled Aaron as some kind of power started to take a strain on him. Jack did as Aaron asked, suddenly some kind of power emitted from Aaron and a luminous glow was emitted from Jack's body and some form of energy transferred to him to Ava as her body started glowing as well. Her wound healed up with a bright light, her eyes suddenly opened up as life was being restored to her body. "It is done" said Aaron as he got down after being exhausted by the spell. Ava got up confused as to where she was and what happened but right then Jack hugged her as tight as he could as tears came from his eyes and he said "Ava you're all right".

Aaron turned his head to Jacky and said "Now this problem is solved let's move onto the next one, lately the alliance has had a lot more to deal with than usual but what we have uncovered is far worse Portarusion is alive Jacky and he is coming for you". Suddenly a look of fear came in Jacky's eyes what could he be thinking what was going to happen next. The journey had just begun.

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