
War at Wasteland Valley-part seven-

Artemis walked out of the forest with Icy on her shoulder who had stopped resisting.

However, after arriving out of the forest, Icy saw a light of hope.

"Although you might have me, Flame and Earthy will save me!" Said Icy.

"I really wonder where all that confidence comes from" Said coldly Artemis.

"You left that woman behind with two champions, isn't the result obvious" Said Icy.

"Indeed, it is" Said Artemis.

Icy was confused by the words of Artemis, however, soon, she saw why Artemis said that.

On the ground, two men could be seen lying down.

"Ha… ha… ha" Flame was gasping for air while he tried to recover from his injuries.

"What the hell… is with… this woman…" Said Earthy who also didn't have the strength to move a single finger.

His condition was better than Flame in terms of injuries though.

On the other side, there was also one woman who was sitting on the ground with exhaustion on her face.

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