
The child

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

Moving his leg up and down could be heard in all the rooms.

Alfonso was currently in a very, very important meeting with the council of men, alas, the only men right now were the young white-haired man and Mengele.

"So yeah, unfortunately, you two are all I have right now" Said Alfonso.

"That's rude" Said the white-haired young man.

"Hehe, fascinating! So, words have this power" Said Mengele.

 "Haaa~ maybe I was an idiot for asking you guys for help" Said Alfonso.


No, that's too much.


I think I will get killed if I said that.


That's too little.


If I said that, my corpse will never be found.

"Shit… What I am supposed to say to my mother-in-law?" Though Alfonso.

Of course, Alfonso was pretty cautious about meeting his future mother in law, Hecate.


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